December 05, 2006

室内飛行機用基板 Part.2




02:40 fenrir が投稿 : 固定リンク | | このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク | コメント (0) | トラックバック

December 12, 2006

小亀基板 実装済み



それにしてもSilicon LaboratoriesのC8051F340は小さいですね。これに発信器やらレギュレータやらUSBやらが内蔵されていると思うと、他にも何か小さいものを作ってみたくなります。

23:00 fenrir が投稿 : 固定リンク | | このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク | コメント (0) | トラックバック

December 16, 2006

Pulse Repeater


どのようにその機能を実現したかというと、入力されたパルスの時間長さを計測しておいて、外部から『パルスください』信号がきたときに同じ長さのパルスを出力する下位機能を、カスケード接続することによって実現しました。この下位機能をPulse Repeaterと名づけました。

Pulse Repeaterの解説図やVHDLコードは続きをどうぞ。

※2007/1/21 これだとうまく動かないことがわかり修正しました。コードではwire_in_risenという項目が増えています。

続きを読む "Pulse Repeater"
21:48 fenrir が投稿 : 固定リンク | | このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク | コメント (0) | トラックバック

December 21, 2006




撮影はOlympus u710 オート。今年の山シーズンは足を怪我していたためにどこにもいけませんでした。山を見るたびに、来期こそは、と気持ちが奮え立ちます。

14:00 fenrir が投稿 : 固定リンク | | このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク | コメント (0) | トラックバック

December 25, 2006






※開発コードはSuper Sylphide (スーパーシルフィード)です。
2007/1/14 進捗状況(1)を書いてみました。

23:59 fenrir が投稿 : 固定リンク | | このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク | コメント (2) | トラックバック

December 26, 2006

Super Sylphide -- an Autopilot System for Small UAVs [English version]

(the last update is Apr. 2011.)

What's "Super Sylphide"?

"Super Sylphide" is a novel autopilot system for small UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) whose weight is defined as about one or two kilograms. These UAVs are developed actively especially in the aeronautics research field. This is because they have potential to achieve many practical tasks such as autonomous disaster monitoring, and they are so easy to handle that they do not require runway to take off.
However, small UAVs have not been capable of desirable autonomy and intelligence yet. In other words, what they can do now is only to take aerial photos along a pre-planned path, and they have to be helped by a human operator in many situations. This is mainly due to their strict limitaions on the payload weight, size and cost. Especially, it is a serious problem that navigation devices which are more accurate than a stand-alone GPS receiver, and powerful processors to run more robust but complicated algorithms than the classical PID are not installed. Therefore, the development of "Super Sylphide", whose features are to provide accurate navigation data with the INS/GPS integration, and DSP computing for large calculation capacity, is started. The detail is in the following brochure.


Related Resources in English

There are several outcomes in the cource of the development. The followings are the related articles which are written in English (the oldest is the top).

  • "A Powerful Autopilot System for Small UAVs with Accurate INS/GPS Integrated Navigation", 2007 JSASS-KSAS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, Kitakyushu, JAPAN, 2007, Paper 005
  • "High performance navigation system with integration of low precision MEMS INS and general-purpose GPS", Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, pp.284-292, Vol.50, No.170, 2007.
  • ICAS 2008, Alaska, Paper ID is 483.
  • 2009 GCOE Workshop, Super Sylphide can be used as the avionics for the system identification of small UAVs.
  • "System Identification of Small UAVs with MEMS- Based Avionics", AIAA-2009-1907, AIAA Infotech 2009.

Progress reports

Short progress reports with images, and circuit shematic are available in this site. They are originally in Japanese, but you can get machine translation versions when the right upper button "English" is clicked. The following is the list (the latest is the top).

The derivation of the name "Super Sylphide"

The name "Super Sylphide" is derived from the seriese name of aircrafts which stars in my favorite Japanese scientific novel "Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze" written by Kanbayashi Chōhei. The novel is made into anime, and probally available in English.

Any comments?

If you have any questions or comments, please send me an E-mail (the address is the right lower one) with the keyword "Sylphide" included into the title.

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