(訳者より: この文章はfenrirによって原著者(BatchPCB)とは無関係、無許可に翻訳を行ったものです。この文章はいかなる正しさも保証しません。またこの文章を参考にすることによって、いかなる損害を被ろうとも、その賠償をいかなる相手に対しても請求することはできません。2010年8月5日)
送料は? Sparkfunの注文と混ぜられる?
オーダステータス(order statuses)は何を表している?
どこなんですか、ここ? (What is this place?)
More info can be found on our About Us page.
It's a pretty simple concept. You submit your PCB design, we add your design to the batch of orders. When the batch is big enough (usually about 1 week), the batch is set off for manufacture. 10 days later, the individual boards are received by us. We then split the orders up and mail your order to you.
注意: 4層基板は両面基板にくらべて時間がかかるよ。 現在のところ 5-6週間かな. 4層基板を安く作ることはできるんだけど、かかる時間(リードタイム)が違うことには注意してね。
Please Note: 4 layer boards take a little bit longer to receive back than the 2 layer orders. Current lead times for 4 layer boards are 5-6 weeks. If we can get the word out that cheap four layer production is available here that will go down but for now please be aware that the lead times are different.
4 layer boards should be ordered on a separate order from two layer boards (since we have to ship them separately).
1枚からでも注文できるよ。最小の大きさは0.5平方インチ。試作基板がめちゃくちゃなのはよくあることだからね。よく緑色のコースターの作り方を教えられるくらい不良基板をもっているんだから。どうして5枚も動かないかもしれないものにお金を払わなきゃいけないの? というわけでBatchPCBは試作基板をできるだけ安く作れると信じています。
You can get as few as one board. Boards can be as small as 0.5" square. Prototype PCBs are usually messed up anyways - we've made enough bad PCBs to teach a class on How to make green coasters. Why pay for 5 of something that probably won't work? At BatchPCB we believe in cheap prototype PCBs for everyone!
Please remember that these are prototype PCBs. Electrical testing is not done on your prototype. This means there may be errors with the PCB.
Be sure the preview your gerber files before submitting (read below). We will have to cancel your order if your drill file does not line up with your copper layers. It is also important to have the drill holes in the design before submission. We simply do not have enough time to spend providing "drill hits" for every design.
$10 setup fee (per order - appears as a handling fee), 2 layer - $2.50/sq. inch 4 layer - $8.00/sq. inch
設計データを売ろう!: (訳注: 残念ながら現時点では、米国在住でないと設計データが売れた際に発生するロイヤリティが受け取れないので、この項目は読み飛ばしてください。)
Selling Your PCB Designs: You can sell your PCB design on BatchPCB.com! Create a reseller account and upload your designs! (You can only sell your own designs or open-source designs if you properly follow the license). This option is only available to customers in the United States, but everyone can buy the boards. Royalties will be paid on a monthly basis and must meet a minimum amount of $10. You will also need to provide a W-9 form which you can download during the sign up process or here http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf?portlet=3. After you have completed the W-9 for scan it and email it to Forms@batchpcb.com. It is important to provide as much information about your design as possible. Adding a website link to a schematic and a parts list can lead to better results and overall satisfaction or the customer.
デザインルールはどんな感じ? (What are the PCB rules and limits?)
Note: These specifications are at the request of our manufacturer.
Boards can be as small as 0.5" (~12.7 mm) square.
- 両面か4層。1.6mm厚のFR4基板
- 両面は
- 最小間隔 8mil
- 最小線幅 8mil
- 最小ドリル径 20mil
- 4層は
- 最小間隔 6mil
- 最小線幅 6mil
- 最小ドリル径 13mil
- スルホールのみ可、マイクロビア不可。
- 最大ドリル径 500mil
- 全てのドリル穴はめっきされる
- 内側のルータカット不可、Vカット不可、特殊加工不可。
- ルータカットは指定したどおりにできるよ
- ソルダマスクは両面
- 銅箔圧さは1oz
- スルホールの数は無制限
- パッドや部品数に制限なし
- 複数設計、複製は可
- 最大サイズは10x15インチ、インチで計測するよ
- 最小サイズは1x1インチ(それよりも小さくても同じ値段)
- 1インチ以上ならどんなサイズでもいいよ
- 2 or 4 layer boards - 0.062" FR4 material
- 2 Layer sizing:
- 8mil (~0.2 mm) spacing minimum
- 8mil (~0.2 mm) traces minimum
- 20mil (~0.5 mm) minimum drill size
- 4 Layer sizing:
- 6mil (~0.15 mm) spacing minimum
- 6mil (~0.15 mm) traces minimum
- 13mil (~0.33 mm) minimum drill size
- No blind/buried vias
- 500mil (~12.7 mm) maximum drill size
- All drill hits are plated through
- No internal routes, no v-scoring, only drill files are sent to the fab house
- Board is routed to the indicated border (very clean edges, you can get creative with the shape as well!)
- Soldermask both sides
- 1oz Copper
- No limit on the number of vias
- No limit on pads or components
- Multiple designs, multiple copies are allowed!
- Any size up to 10x15", measured in inch increments (254mm x 381mm)
- Minimum billable size 1x1" (smaller boards are allowed but rounded up)
- Your design can be any size - 1 inch is the minimum
$10 setup fee (shown as a handling charge) - $2.50 per square inch for 2 layer designs, $8.00/sq. in. for 4 layer designs.
送料は? Sparkfunの注文と混ぜられる? (How much is shipping and can I combine my orders with Sparkfun?)
It depends on your location - actually shipping in the US can be quite cheap (USPS First Class is cheap and reliable for non-international orders, we do not recommend it for international shipping). Basically international shipping is just expensive. However, occasionally an option is momentarily unavailable so you can try reloading the page or check back a little later if you don't see an option that has been there before or that you think should be there.
You can check the prices for your location on Shipping options page of the check out - its the first page. You can choose shipping options there and the shipping charge will be immediately updated for your choice. You don't have to complete the order to check out what the charges for shipping will be. You can also select a different address on this page to compare shipping to different locations.
Be sure that your address is correct - if it is not complete, eg. missing the postal code (AKA. zip code) and normally you would need one the shipping module will not return any options. Since we get live estimates from the shipping service the address you check out with must be valid to give you a quote, so the address must be valid.
Sorry, we do not combine BatchPCB orders with Sparkfun orders.
注記: いくつかの項目はおまけだ。例えば日本なら州は要らないよ。空欄のままで構わない。
Note: Some of the fields are optional - for instance, people in Denmark will not need the "State/Province" field. Others may not need the zip code, county, suburb, etc. These are provided for those places that need them - if your address does not you can leave them empty. Minimally you need at least a name, a street address, a city and a country.
オーダステータス(order statuses)は何を表している? (What do the order statuses mean?)
- Pending - Paypalでの支払いをまっているよ
- Paid - 割り付けされるのを待っている状態
- Panelized - 割り付けされた状態
- Processing - 基板屋に注文してできあがるのを待っている
- Packaged - できてきた基板を最梱包したよ
- Shipped - 送ったよ
- Problem - 問題があるよ。メールをチェックして!!
- Pending - We are waiting for payment confirmation from PayPal.
- Paid - Payment has been confirmed and the panel is in line to be panelized.
- Panelized - The order has been laid out on a panel.
- Processing - The panel has been sent for production and we are waiting for it to return.
- Packaged - The order has been packaged and is waiting for shipping.
- Shipped - The package has been shipped.
- Problem - Check your email! There was a problem with your order.
どうしてオーダステータスが"Passed"の表示のままなの? (Why does my order status say "Passed"?)
それは設計のページを見ているからだね。注文の状態は"My Account" => "View Orders"を見てくれ。
Erm, you are looking at your designs - the order status is under "My Account" => "View Orders"
注文したものが届くまでどれくらいかかる? (How long does it take to get my order?)
安さと速さは両立できないんだ。24時間以内に製造を開始してほしいんだったら、違うところを使ってね。Advanced Circuitsが1-5日、良い品質でお奨めだよ。
Cheap and fast don't play well together. If you need your design fabbed in 24 hours - use another board house. We like Advanced Circuits for great quality boards in 1-5 days.
Since we are combining designs on a panel (that's why we can do it cheaply) we have to wait until a panel fills and then send it to production. After that we get a big box of designs back and we sort them out and ship them as soon as possible. The average time from when you place your order to when it arrives at your door is about 3 - 4 weeks
- 設計をアップロードしてDRCが通り、注文を確定した(0日目)
- 割り付け完了(3日目)
- 基板屋で製造にかかるのは11日間(14日目)
- コロラドにあるBatchPCBに基板が届くのはDHLで3日後(17日目)
- USPS Priority Mailで送るよ、3日間かかった、届いた!(20日目)
Time line example for BatchPCB:
- You submit your order, successfully pass the DRC, and pay on Tuesday the 4th (day 0)
- The next batch of orders leaves on Friday the 7th (3 days so far)
- The panel of orders is fabricated in 11 days (14 days so far)
- The individual PCBs are shipped to BatchPCB in Colorado via DHL 3-day (17 days so far)
- We then ship your order out same day via USPS Priority Mail 3-days (20 days so far)
So you see, best case is about 15 business days (or 3 weeks), while the long end of the scale is around 20 (about a month). It also depends on when you order and when the batch gets sent off. This a very small operation and although we would love to be big enough to be able to pay someone to work on the weekends, we aren't quite there yet - so it is better to order early in the week if you are in a hurry!
そうそう、中国の休日には気をつけて! 年末年始や旧正月。12月の最後や1月のはじめは時間が少しかかるよ。
Also, if there is a holiday in China - expect delays. Expect delays around Christmas, New Years, and Lunar (Chinese) New Year. Orders placed in late December and January tend to take a bit longer than usual.
If Homeland Security decides the "heavy brick" PCB package needs inspection, expect a 1 day delay.
first class mailだと、10日余分にかかるよ。Priority Mailがお奨め。(訳注: 日本だとfirst classは選択できない)
If you order first class mail, shipping may take an extra 10 days. We recommend USPS Priority Mail for all PCB shipments. It's cheap and fast.
This all sounds worse than it really is! As we develop projects, we always get at least one PCB design onto the week's batch panel. While one design is being fabbed, we have new PCBs for another design already arriving from a previous batch - we always have new PCBs to play with!
どうしてドリルファイルがアップロードすると違って見えるの? (Why does my drill file look wrong when I upload?)
The images generated for identification during upload are only for convenience - they are not related to panelizing the design which is done from the original uploaded gerber files. The drill format is assumed to be 2:4 - so if you used 2:3 the holes will not look right. Normally this is not a problem - we can load most any format.If there is at least an image for the drill file then usually it is ok - if no drill file image appears there may be a problem; check to make sure that the drill layer is exported to NC Drill (text) format and not a something like a binary file.
At any point that we find a problem processing a design order we will always contact you to resolve it - if it cannot be fixed we will happily cancel and refund the order.
どうしてボットの画像が変なの? (Why do the bot images look strange?)
The images generated by the bot and sent in the DRC check emails are purely for reference and in the case of a failed DRC they try to show where the error or problems were. They are not related to panelizing the design which is done from the original uploaded gerber files.
本当に安い? (PCBs are really this cheap?)
Actually, PCBs can cost as little as $0.05 per square inch on larger production runs. But fab houses really hate doing short runs. There are some huge setup fees associated with every PCB order. So we've found a fab house over in China that is willing to work with our flexibility in return for a chance at a larger volume customer.
もちろん大量生産でもGold Phoenixは対応してくれるよ。
Of course you'll design the next greatest widget! Gold Phoenix hopes you'll use them for your production run of PCBs.
料金設定はどうなっているの? (What do I get for these prices?)
We only offer one service at this time: PCBs with soldermask both sides and silkscreen both sides. The minimum trace width for 2 layer designs is 8mil with 8 mil spacing, for four layer the minimum is 6mil. You get a professionally routed board (no shearing or rough edge boards), in pretty much any shape you want.
$10 setup fee. There are no minimums.
どんな設計ソフトが使える? (Can I use any software?)
RS-274XのガーバとNC Drillが生成できる基板設計ソフトならなんでも大丈夫だよ。ガーバって何? それっておいしての? って人はこちら。ガーバはプロットマシーンの業界標準だNC drillはドリル機器の標準だ。
Yes, you can use any software you like! However, your software has to be real PCB software capable of outputting Gerber RS-274X and NC Drill files. What's a gerber? Gerber is the industry standard format for plotting machines, NC drill is the format for drilling machines.
- Protel
- Eagle - (無償版もある) チュートリアル
- PCB - (無償, オープンソース)
- FreePCB - (Win32, 無償, オープンソース)
- KiCAD - - (*nix (訳注: Win版もあります), 無償, オープンソース)
- Orcad
- PCad
- Target
- Boardmaker
- Circuit Maker
- WinBoard
- 他にもいっぱい
We've seen designs from all sorts of packages including:
- Protel
- Eagle - (Free version available) Tutorial
- PCB - (Free, Open Source)
- FreePCB - (Win32, Free, Open Source)
- KiCAD - - (*nix, Free, Open Source)
- Orcad
- PCad
- Target
- Boardmaker
- Circuit Maker
- WinBoard
- Many others also work!
We cannot accept proprietary formats like:
どうやって注文する? (How do I order my PCB design?)
It's not too bad actually. The first time is always the most painful. Submitting new designs is a breeze.
- アカウントを作ってね。注文できるようになるよ。
- ガーバをzipでまとめてあげてね。
- どの層がどのファイルに相当するか聞かれるよ。
- DRCボットからの確認メールを待って。
- 5分以内にDRCをパスしたかメールがいくよ。
- ガーバが問題なければ、基板のサイズが自動的に計算されて、メールにあるリンクから発注できるようになるよ。
- これでチェックアウトするだけじゃなくて、複製を足すこともできるし、別の設計を追加することもできるよ。
- Create a user account so that we can link the order to you
- Upload a zip of your gerber files
- From there, you will be asked to identify your layers
- Submit your design to the DRC bot and wait for an email
- You will receive an email within 5 minutes letting you know if your design passed DRC
- If your design is ok, the size of your PCB is automatically calculated and you can then add your PCB design to your cart via a link in the DRC email
- You can either increase the number of copies, add more designs to your cart, or you can simply checkout
We use a simple cart interface with shipping calculated at checkout. We accept all major credit cards and paypal.
どうやってガーバが条件を満たしているか確認する? (How can I be sure the gerber files are ok?)
Be sure the preview your gerber files before submitting. We will have to cancel your order if your drill file does not line up with your copper layers.
Download gerbv, ViewMate, install, and take a look at your own gerber files. We use gerbv when we need to just check designs - this is the best way to make sure that we can panelize your design. If they don't look right, or layers do not line up, or if they don't import at all, stop, fix your output settings and open the gerbers again. If you cannot get your own files open under gerbv or ViewMate then we certainly won't be able to.
Frequent problems that you should avoid:
問題1: ガーバファイルが足りていない。あるいは鏡面になっていたり、回転していたりする
1) Problem : Gerber files don't line up. The gerber files are mirrored or flipped around.
解決方法: Solution : RS-274-X形式になっている? 鏡面にする必要はないよ。
Make sure when you output your layout to Gerber RS-274-X format that you do not mirror the layers.
問題2: ドリルファイルがない。
2) Problem : Drill file does not line up:

For whatever reason, everything is correct, but the drill file does not line up with the other layers.
解決方法: 原点を基板の角にするんだ。そうするとドリルの座標が思ったとおりになるよ。
Solution : Change the origin of your layout to the corner of board so that the drill coordinates line up with the x and y coordinate of your design.
問題3: ドリルファイルが径を含んでいなかったり、よくわからないフォーマットだ。僕たちはNC Drillだけ受け取れるよ。一般的にこのファイルの拡張子は.drl、.txt、.drdでこんな中身だ。
3) Problem : Drill file does not include tool size or is some unknown format : We only accept NC Drill Files. This is normally a file that ends in .DRL, .TXT or .DRD and looks like this:

もしT01C0.787...とかが含まれていなかったら、僕たちには扱えない。これがドリル径を表していて必要なんだ。注意: いくつかのソフトはインラインでドリル径を含んでいる。つまりヘッダ情報がなく、いちいち散りばめられて書いてある場合だ。これも大丈夫だ。つまるところ、どこかしらにドリル径の情報がないとだめだよ。
If your file is missing the T01C0.787... etc. we cannot use it. These are the drill sizes and are required. Note: some software will include "inline" tool sizes - which means that they are not in the "header" information at the top of the drill file but are scattered through the file just before the tool is used. This is also ok - but they must be somewhere!
If your file comes up in non-readable form, we cannot use it. This is common for DRD files of a different format - they are binary files specific to the software that created them. We can only use text files.
解決方法: どうやって基板ソフトに2.4 trailing形式のExcellon/NC Drillファイルを吐かせるか理解しよう。たくさんのソフトがあるから僕たちではフォローしきれないんだ。ドリルファイルを開いて、先頭にドリル径が含まれているか確認しよう。2.4 trailing形式以外にも2:3 leadingや1:5 none形式も受け付けるよ。でもそういった形式のドリルファイルがおかしくても責任はとれない。標準は2.4 trailing形式だ。
Solution : Figure out how to make your PCB software output an Excellon/NC Drill file with 2.4 trailing format. There are lots of packages out there and we cannot cover them all. Open your own drill file and check to see that the drill sizes are included at the top of your file. 2.4 trailing is what we use, but any format (2:3 leading, 1:5 none, etc) is OK! If it can be imported, we'll get it imported - however you may notice that the drill file looks strange during the upload since 2:4 is the default for rendering the image.
君ら以外にも同様の問題がないか、フォーラムの http://www.sparkfun.com/cgi-bin/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=16をあたってみてくれ。
You may want to checkout our support forum to see if other customers have had similar problems : http://www.sparkfun.com/cgi-bin/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=16
問題4: ドリルファイルの座標が認識されない。僕たちはNC Drillだけ受け付ける。XY座標系、かつ長さや径の単位がないとダメだよ。これは.cncや.ascファイルでよくある問題だ。
4) Problem : Drill file coordinate system not recognized : We only accept NC Drill Files. Your drill file must contain x and y coordinates and a format specification (ie. what units the coordinates and sizes are in). This is commonly a problem with files ending in CNC or ASC.

This file has two problems. It is missing the drill file sizes and it has incomplete X and Y coordinates.
解決方法: 基板ソフトにドリル径と明示的なXY座標を含んだ完全なNC Drillを吐かせるようにするんだ。2.4 trailing形式が僕らが使っている形式だよ。
Solution : You must force your PCB layout software to export a full NC Drill file including drill sizes and explicit coordinates. 2.4 trailing is what we use, but any format (2:3 leading, 1:5 none, etc) is OK! If it can be imported, we'll get it imported.
より詳細は http://www.sparkfun.com/cgi-bin/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1093を見てくれ。
See this forum topic for more information : http://www.sparkfun.com/cgi-bin/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=1093
問題5: DRC(デザインルールチェック)が失敗する。デザインルールを満たすようにしてね。僕たちじゃ直せないんだ。
5) Problem : DRC Failure - traces/pour are too close. The minimum trace width is 8mil. The minimum distance from trace to trace and trace to pour is 8mil. We cannot run your design if you violate these minimums. We cannot run your design 'as is'. We cannot change things for you.
解決方法: 間隔、線幅などを10milで作ってくれれば確実にDRCは通るよ。8milに近づくほど、失敗するかもしれない。いくつかのソフトでは8milに設定したのに8mil未満のガーバを吐くことがあるんだ。
Solution : Please be sure to set your software to a 10mil minimum spacing, clearance, trace width, ground pour, etc. This will guarantee that your gerbers will pass our DRC. If you need to go smaller to 8mil, be aware that your design may fail our DRC. Some software packages export gerber vectors in odd ways such that the 8mil distances become <8mil.
注意: たまに回転したパッドやベタパターンでDRCが失敗することがあるよ。もし注意深く確認した上で、DRCのほうに問題があると思うなら、連絡をください。手動で通せるかも聞いてね。
Note: Occasionally the DRC fails on things like rotated pads or polygon fills - in this case your design might be ok. Please check carefully and if you are pretty sure the DRC has made a mistake you can contact support and ask if the design can be manually passed.
2枚以上同じものを頼んでもいい? (Can I get more than one copy?)
もちろん! 欲しいだけ頼んで頂戴。チェックアウトするときに何枚欲しいか入力する項目があるよ。また、ログインした後のPCB Designs ページからカートに追加するだけでいつでも再注文することができるよ。もし設計を他の誰かと共有したければ、設計のページにある注文へのリンクをメールで送るとその人が注文できるようになるよ。
Of course! You can get as many copies as you need! At checkout, you will be given the option to enter any quantity of any design in your cart. You can also reorder designs at any time - simply go to the PCB Designs page in your account and add them to the cart. If you would like to share the design there is a link on the design view that you can email to people so that they can order a copy made as well.
どうやって基板の形をあらわせばいい? (How do I indicate the shape of my board?)
これは一般的にアウトライン層かシルク層で指示できるよ。どちらか一方でお願いね。部品面のシルク層に長方形を書くのが一番シンプルだな。注記: 銅箔層に外形状を書くこともできるよ。(これはSparkfunにあるちょっとした技が必要だ。でもこのとき外形状の線は少なくとも8mil必要だよ。じゃないとDRCはこれが外形線だってしらないから、失敗してしまうんだ。)
This is normally done with an outline layer, or a silkscreen layer. You can use any method you want but please use one! Something as simple as a rectangle on the top overlay (aka. silk) layer is great! Note: you can also make the outline in a copper layer (this is a trick mentioned in the SparkFun tutorial - but be sure the outline is at least 8mils thick! Otherwise the design will fail since the DRC doesn't know that this is not a trace.
Multiple humans will be looking at your design and will let you know if we are unable to figure out the board shape. This may place your design on hold and cause added delays or it may result in you receiving a board that is not cut as you expected! So, an outline is strongly recommended.
変な外形でも大丈夫? (Can I route really exotic shapes?)
まあね。クリエイティブなのはいいことだけど、それはクレイジーになっていないかな? 費用は最も外側にある部分を囲う長方形で計算されるんだ(円は長方形よりも小さいよ)。角取りや変な形などなど、ご自由に。
Eh, kinda - you can be pretty creative but don't go crazy. You are charged for the largest square enclosing your design (a circle has less area than a square) but feel free to add rounded corners, odd shapes, etc,
パックマンのお化けやフリスビーとかを見たことがあるよ。でも本当に複雑な切断はやめてください。注意: 現在のところくり貫き(基板の境界に変な形の切り抜きがある)はできないんだ。でもドリルでごまかすことで解決している人はいたよ。どうなってもしらないけど、うまくいってた。
We've seen some 'Pac Man Ghosts' and a frisbee or two go by. But please avoid really complex cuts. Note: we do not currently offer internal routes (these are odd shaped cut outs within the border of your board). However, we have seen people fake it with overlapping drill hits - no guarantees for sucess but it has been done.
Eagleってどうやって使うの? (How do I use Eagle?)
Checkout the mass of tutorials on SparkFun:
どうして電話番号がないの? (Why don't you have a phone number?)
We've struggled to streamline this service as much as possible. We love our customers and our customers love us, but we cannot keep the service cheap and answer phone call support questions like 'What's a gerber?' Sorry! All questions must be through email.
設計データ、他の人に盗まれない? (Do I need to worry about the security of my design?)
No. We do not share your designs with anyone and they are only accessible for purchase by you (unless you have published the design). If you are very concerned, you can always apply for a patent first. We are trustworthy and we deal only with a trustworthy manufacturer. BatchPCB is not in the PCB design business, that is, we don't produce PCBs - we are here to make it possible for people that do.
DRCボットって何? (What is the DRC-Bot?)
DRC stands for Design Rule Check. The DRC Bot runs on the BatchPCB server checking incoming designs to see if they meet our minimum requirements. Remember - 8mil traces with 8mil spacing (6mil for 4 layer boards).
The Bot is good, but not great. It cannot detect errors such as mirrored layers, drill file problems, missing layers, or if you run traces to the wrong pins on an IC. If your design gets through the DRC Bot there is still the chance that your order may be put on hold by a human if there are problems. And there is also the chance that your board still has flaws it could not detect - the idea is to catch obvious bloopers and ensure that the design meets at least minimum manufacturing specs.
んじゃあガーバってなーに? (Ok - so what's a gerber?)
If you are totally new to the PCB world, you've got some reading to do. There are many design packages out there that will help you lay out your Printed Circuit Board (PCB). We recommend Eagle as it's fairly popular, cheap, and decent to use.
Once you've captured your schematic and created a PCB design, you'll need a way to submit your design to us. All PCB packages will have to ability to output RS274X format gerber files. These are large text files that contain the line information about your design. Since this is the universal format, we don't care what you used to create your design, we can manipulate your gerbers.
We are no longer accepting any floating files during the upload process. Please take a look at the list below.
We are only accepting the following file extensions:
- 部品面(表面)の銅箔パターン - .gtl, .cmp, .top
- はんだ面(裏面)の銅泊パターン - .gbl, .sol, .bot
- 部品面のはんだマスク - .gts, .stc, .smt, .stoptop, .tsm
- はんだ面のマスク - .gbs, .sts, .smb, .stopbot, .bsm
- 部品面のシルク - .gto, .plc, .sst, .positop, .leg, .slk
- はんだ面のシルク - .gbo, .pls, .ssb, .posibot, .bsk
- ドリルファイル - .drl, .txt, .tap, .drill, .gdd, .drd, .cnc, .exl
- キープアウト - .gko
- (4層基板で)第2層 - .g2
- (4層基板で)第3層 - .g3
- はんだ面のステンシル - .gbp
- 部品面のステンシル - .gtp
- 外形状 - .outline, .oln
- TopCopper - .gtl , .cmp, .top
- BottomCopper - .gbl, .sol, .bot
- TopSolderMask - .gts, .stc, .smt, .stoptop, .tsm
- BottomSolderMask - .gbs, .sts, .smb, .stopbot, .bsm
- TopSilk - .gto, .plc, .sst, .positop, .leg, .slk
- BottomSilk - .gbo, .pls, .ssb, .posibot, .bsk
- Drill - .drl, .txt, .tap, .drill, .gdd, .drd, .cnc, .exl
- KeepOut - .gko
- MiddleCopper1 - .g2
- MiddleCopper2 - .g3
- BottomStencil - .gbp
- TopStencil - .gtp
- Outline - .outline, .oln
Please ensure that you include files that are necessary for manufacturing.
Do you need all these files? No - you only need to include relevant files for your design, but extras or empt y layers are also ok - you can also simply select unused files during the upload. At a minimum we expect a copper layer and a drill file and an board outline in a silk or outline layer is strongly recommended.
複数の設計を1枚の基板に割り付けてもいい? (Can I put multiple designs in the same board/layout?)
Yes you can - but we don't recommend this. The fab house will not separate the boards - you will need to cut them apart yourself. If this is what you want that's fine - but you have been warned. In the past people did this to get a better deal as each design was rounded up to the next inch - we are no longer rounding up (except for the first inch) so this won't save you anything now.