require 'othello' require 'evaluate' class Strategy class BootStrap < Strategy def select(othello) if othello.black_stones + othello.white_stones == 4 then init_upper = (othello.state.board_size / 2).ceil init_lower = init_upper - 1 return [init_lower, init_lower - 1] elsif othello.black_stones + othello.white_stones == 5 then init_upper = (othello.state.board_size / 2).ceil init_lower = init_upper - 1 if othello.state.is_black?(init_lower, init_lower - 1) then return [init_lower - 1, init_upper] elsif othello.state.is_black?(init_lower - 1, init_lower) then return [init_upper, init_lower - 1] elsif othello.state.is_black?(init_upper, init_upper + 1) then return [init_upper + 1, init_lower] else #othello.state.is_black?(init_upper + 1, init_upper) then return [init_lower, init_upper + 1] end end return nil end def lazy?; return true; end end class Boltzmann < Strategy def select(othello) othello.tree.children.keys[rand(othello.tree.children.size)] end def lazy?; return true; end end class Greedy < BootStrap @evaluator attr_reader :evaluator def initialize(evl = Evaluator::Bayes::new) @evaluator = evl end class SearchedResult @op @score attr_accessor :op attr_accessor :score def initialize(op = nil, score = nil) @op = op @score = score end end def brute_search(tree, target) if tree.is_leaf? then return SearchedResult::new(nil, @evaluator.evaluate(tree.root, target)) # 手と評価関数の組み合わせ else result = SearchedResult::new if target == tree.root.order then # 自分の手番なので最大化する手を探す tree.children.each{|child| searched = brute_search(child[1], target) if !result.score or (result.score < searched.score) then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score #max更新 end } else # 相手の手番なので最小化する手を探す tree.children.each{|child| searched = brute_search(child[1], target) if !result.score or (result.score > searched.score) then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score #mix更新 end } end return result end end def alpha_beta_search(tree, target, threshold = nil) if tree.is_leaf? then # [手, 評価関数]の組み合わせ return SearchedResult::new(nil, @evaluator.evaluate(tree.root, target)) else result = SearchedResult::new if target == tree.root.order then # 自分の手番なので最大化する手を探す # betaよりも大きかったらやめる alpha = nil tree.children.each{|child| searched = alpha_beta_search(child[1], target, alpha) if threshold and threshold < searched.score then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score break elsif !result.score or (result.score < searched.score) then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score #max更新 alpha = searched.score end } else # 相手の手番なので最小化する手を探す # alphaよりも小さかったらやめる beta = nil tree.children.each{|child| searched = alpha_beta_search(child[1], target, beta) if threshold and threshold > searched.score then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score break elsif !result.score or (result.score > searched.score) then result.op = child[0] result.score = searched.score #min更新 beta = searched.score end } end return result end end def select(othello) boot = super(othello) if boot then puts "Replied by boot strap mode." return boot end #if othello.tree.children.size == 1 then # puts "選択肢なし: #{othello.tree.children.keys[0].inspect}" # return othello.tree.children.keys[0] #end #selected = brute_search(othello.tree, othello.state.order) selected = alpha_beta_search(othello.tree, othello.state.order) puts "最適手: #{selected.op.inspect}; 評価関数値: #{selected.score}" return selected.op end def lazy?; return false; end end class BiStrategy < Strategy def initialize(strategy1, strategy2, threshold = 0.5) @strategy1 = strategy1 @strategy2 = strategy2 @threshold = threshold @current_strategy = decide_strategy end def decide_strategy return rand < @threshold ? @strategy1 : @strategy2 end def select(othello) op = @current_strategy = decide_strategy return op end def lazy? @current_strategy.lazy? end end end if $0 == __FILE__ then greedy = Strategy::Greedy::new othello = Othello::new(6) p othello.mount!( end