/* * ======== Platform.tci ======== * */ /* * The following comment is used by the Graphical Config Tool: * !DESCRIPTION 6XXX! TinyFeather 6745 (300 MHz) with 32 Mbytes SDRAM * !NAME! tinyfeather */ /* * Setup platform-specific memory map, CLK rate, etc. */ var mem_ext = []; mem_ext[0] = { comment: "32Mbytes of the DSP's off-chip memory", name: "SDRAM", base: 0xC0000000, len: 0x02000000, space: "code/data" }; /* Specify the L1 and L2 memory settings */ var device_regs = { l1PMode: "32k", l1DMode: "32k", l2Mode: "0k" }; var params = { clockRate: 300, catalogName: "ti.catalog.c6000", deviceName: "6745", regs: device_regs, mem: mem_ext }; /* override the defaults with anything specified by client */ if (utils.loadPlatform.params != null) { var overrides = utils.loadPlatform.params; for (var i in params) { if (i in overrides) { params[i] = overrides[i]; } } } utils.loadPlatform("ti.platforms.generic", params); /* Enable Time Stamp Logging */ bios.LOG.TS = true; /* Enable common BIOS features used by all examples */ bios.enableRealTimeAnalysis(prog); bios.enableMemoryHeaps(prog); bios.enableRtdx(prog); bios.enableTskManager(prog); bios.setMemCodeSections(prog, prog.get("SDRAM")); /* Enable ECM Handler */ bios.ECM.ENABLE = 1; /* Misc */ bios.GBL.BOARDNAME = "TinyFeather"; bios.GBL.CLKIN = 24000; bios.GBL.C64PLUSMAR192to223 = 0x00000003; /* 0xC0000000 - 0xC1FFFFFF */