do |conf| # load specific toolchain settings # Gets set by the VS command prompts. if ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR'] toolchain :visualcpp else toolchain :gcc end enable_debug # Use mrbgems # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/ruby_extension_example' # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_extension_example' do |g| # << '-g' # append cflags in this gem # end # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_and_ruby_extension_example' # conf.gem :github => 'masuidrive/mrbgems-example', :checksum_hash => '76518e8aecd131d047378448ac8055fa29d974a9' # conf.gem :git => '', :branch => 'master', :options => '-v' # include the default GEMs conf.gembox 'default' # C compiler settings # do |cc| # cc.command = ENV['CC'] || 'gcc' # cc.flags = [ENV['CFLAGS'] || %w()] # cc.include_paths = ["#{root}/include"] # cc.defines = %w(DISABLE_GEMS) # cc.option_include_path = '-I%s' # cc.option_define = '-D%s' # cc.compile_options = "%{flags} -MMD -o %{outfile} -c %{infile}" # end # mrbc settings # conf.mrbc do |mrbc| # mrbc.compile_options = "-g -B%{funcname} -o-" # The -g option is required for line numbers # end # Linker settings # conf.linker do |linker| # linker.command = ENV['LD'] || 'gcc' # linker.flags = [ENV['LDFLAGS'] || []] # linker.flags_before_libraries = [] # linker.libraries = %w() # linker.flags_after_libraries = [] # linker.library_paths = [] # linker.option_library = '-l%s' # linker.option_library_path = '-L%s' # linker.link_options = "%{flags} -o %{outfile} %{objs} %{libs}" # end # Archiver settings # conf.archiver do |archiver| # archiver.command = ENV['AR'] || 'ar' # archiver.archive_options = 'rs %{outfile} %{objs}' # end # Parser generator settings # conf.yacc do |yacc| # yacc.command = ENV['YACC'] || 'bison' # yacc.compile_options = '-o %{outfile} %{infile}' # end # gperf settings # conf.gperf do |gperf| # gperf.command = 'gperf' # gperf.compile_options = '-L ANSI-C -C -p -j1 -i 1 -g -o -t -N mrb_reserved_word -k"1,3,$" %{infile} > %{outfile}' # end # file extensions # conf.exts do |exts| # exts.object = '.o' # exts.executable = '' # '.exe' if Windows # exts.library = '.a' # end # file separetor # conf.file_separator = '/' # bintest # conf.enable_bintest end # Define cross build settings #'32bit') do |conf| # toolchain :gcc # # << "-m32" # conf.linker.flags << "-m32" # # conf.build_mrbtest_lib_only # # conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_and_ruby_extension_example' # # conf.test_runner.command = 'env' # # end # Define cross build settings'c674x') do |conf| toolchain :gcc # Use standard Kernel#sprintf method conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-sprintf" # Use standard print/puts/p conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-print" # Use standard Time class conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-time" do |g| += ['USE_SYSTEM_TIMEGM', 'NO_GETTIMEOFDAY', 'NO_GMTIME_R'] end # Use standard Math module conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-math" # Use eval method conf.gem "#{root}/mrbgems/mruby-eval" #conf.gem 'examples/mrbgems/c_and_ruby_extension_example' ti_root = ["C:/Tools/Embedded/TI", "C:/Program Files/TI"].find{|dir| FileTest::exist?(dir)} # Automatically select the newest compiler cg_tool_path_candidates = Dir::glob("#{ti_root}/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c6000_*").collect{|dir_name| dir_name =~ /_(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ [dir_name, $1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i] }.sort{|a, b| res = (b[1] <=> a[1]) if res == 0 then res = (b[2] <=> a[2]) res = (b[3] <=> a[3]) if res == 0 end res } cg_tool_path = cg_tool_path_candidates.first[0]{|cc| cc.command="#{cg_tool_path}/bin/cl6x.exe" cc.flags = [ '-mv6740', '--abi=coffabi', '-g', #'--cpp_default', # with define '__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS' '--interrupt_threshold=1000', '--mem_model:data=far', #'-k', # keep assembly language '--gcc', '-U=__GNUC__', '-O1', ] cc.include_paths += [ "#{cg_tool_path}/include", "#{ti_root}/dsplib_c674x_3_1_1_1/inc", "#{ti_root}/mathlib_c674x_3_0_2_0/inc"] cc.defines += [ '_Bool=int',] cc.option_include_path = '--include_path=%s' cc.option_define = '-D%s' cc.compile_options = "%{flags} --output_file=%{outfile} %{infile}" } conf.linker{|linker| linker.command = "#{cg_tool_path}/bin/lnk6x.exe" linker.flags += [ '-mv6740', '--abi=coffabi', '-g', '--interrupt_threshold=1000', '--mem_model:data=far', #'-k', # keep assembly language '-z',] #linker.flags_before_libraries = ... linker.libraries = [ 'mathlib.a674', 'dsplib.a674', 'libc.a',] linker.flags_after_libraries = [ '--reread_libs', '--warn_sections', '--rom_model',] linker.library_paths = [ "#{cg_tool_path}/lib", "#{ti_root}/mathlib_c674x_3_0_2_0/lib", "#{ti_root}/dsplib_c674x_3_1_1_1/lib",] linker.option_library = '-l%s' linker.option_library_path = '-i%s' linker.link_options = "%{flags} -o %{outfile} %{objs} %{libs}" } conf.archiver{|archiver| archiver.command = "#{cg_tool_path}/bin/ar6x.exe" #archiver.archive_options = 'rs %{outfile} %{objs}' } conf.bins = [] end __END__ Must set yydebug defined in src/parser.y as 0 for C674x #crc.c #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #include #else #include #endif #mruby_build.rake #'"%s"' % `cygpath -w "#{filename(name)}"`.gsub(/\n/, ' ').strip value.h MRB_SET_VALUE(v, (enum mrb_vtype)(b->tt), value.p, p);