begin; require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError; end # gem install zipruby require 'zipruby' require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' module OpenZip STRINGIO_THRESHOLD = 1024 * 1024 * 100 def open2(zipstream, target, *rest, &block) zip_in_zip = nil if %r{\.zip/} =~ target and $' then zip_in_zip = "#{$`}.zip" target = $' end Zip::Archive.open_buffer(zipstream){|arc| arc.each{|file| if zip_in_zip and == zip_in_zip then return open2(, target, *rest, &block) # recursive elsif == target if block return else if file.size <= STRINGIO_THRESHOLD then # Below 100MB return StringIO::new( else f = Tempfile::open('openzip') f.write f.rewind return f end end end } raise RuntimeError::new("File not found") } end def open(zipstream, target, *rest, &block) # mode check mode = rest[0] unless mode == nil || mode == 'r' || mode == 'rb' || mode == File::RDONLY then raise"invalid access mode #{mode} (#{:OpenZip} resource is read only.)") end return open2(zipstream, target, *rest, &block) end module_function :open, :open2 end module Kernel private alias open_zip_original_open open # :nodoc: # makes possible to open various resources including Zip file. # If the first argument respond to `open' method, # the method is called with the rest arguments. # # If the first argument is a string which includes .zip/, # OpenZip::open is called with the appropriate arguments. # # Otherwise original open is called. def open(name, *rest, &block) # :doc: if name.respond_to?(:open)*rest, &block) elsif name.respond_to?(:to_str) \ && %r{\.zip/} =~ name then OpenZip::open( \ open_zip_original_open("#{$`}.zip").read, $', *rest, &block) else open_zip_original_open(name, *rest, &block) end end module_function :open end if $0 == __FILE__ then path = ARGV.shift puts "Path: #{path}" p open(path).read open(path){|f| puts "Name: #{}" p } end