require 'gnuplot' class EqString < String end module Gnuplot FITLOG_FNAME = "fit.log" class Plot def unset(var) @unsets ||= [] @unsets << var end def reset_after_plot @reset = true end alias :orig_to_gplot :to_gplot def to_gplot(io = "") (@unsets ||= []).each{|var| io << "unset #{var}\n"} orig_to_gplot(io) if (@reset rescue false) then @sets.each{|var, val| next if var =~ /^no.+/ # TODO: should be changed, because set nokey etc. are deprecated. io << "unset #{var}\n" } @unsets.each{|var| io << "set #{var}\n" } end io end end class SPlot alias :orig_to_gplot :to_gplot def to_gplot(io = "") (@unsets ||= []).each{|var| io << "unset #{var}\n"} orig_to_gplot(io) if (@reset rescue false) then @sets.each{|var, val| next if var =~ /^no.+/ next if var == 'palette' io << "unset #{var}\n" } @unsets.each{|var| io << "set #{var}\n" } end io end end class DataSet def plot_args (io = "") # Order of these is important or gnuplot barfs on 'em io << ( (@data.instance_of? String) ? @data : "'-'" ) io << " using #{@using}" if @using io << case @title when /notitle/ then " notitle" when nil then "" else temp = (EqString == @title.class ? @title : "'#{@title}'") " title #{temp}" end io << " matrix" if @matrix io << " with #{@with}" if @with io << " linewidth #{@linewidth}" if @linewidth io end end class << self def open_default(persist = true) cmd = Gnuplot.gnuplot(persist) or raise 'gnuplot not found' IO::popen("#{cmd} 2>&1", 'w+'){|io| yield io} end alias :open :open_default def open_debug(before_open, persist = true) buf = StringIO::new yield buf buf.rewind script = open_default(persist){|gp| gp << script} end def info(head, *args) $stderr.puts "[GP.#{sprintf('%-6s', head)}] #{args.collect{|arg| "#{arg} "}.join}..." end def verbose(is_verbose = true) unless is_verbose alias :open :open_default return end require 'stringio' def = true, &b) open_debug(proc{|script| out_fname = nil script.lines.each{|line| if line.chomp =~ /^ *set +out(?:put)? +/ then out_fname = "#{$'.gsub(/^\"(.+)\"$/, '\1').gsub(/^\'(.+)\'$/, '\1')}.gnuplot" break end } out_fname ||= proc{ fnum = [-1] Dir::open('.')::each{|fname| fnum << $1.to_i if fname =~ /^(\d+)\.gnuplot/ } sprintf("%04d.gnuplot", fnum.max + 1) }.call info('script', out_fname) Kernel::open(out_fname, 'w'){|io| io << script} }, persist, &b) end end end def Gnuplot.key_front(eps_fname) Kernel::open(eps_fname, 'r+'){|f| lines = f.readlines proc{# M[LCR]showの修正 delete_lines = [:L, :R, :C].collect{|align| def_start = lines.index{|line| line =~ /^\/M#{align}show/} next nil unless def_start def_length = lines[def_start..-1].index{|line| line.chomp =~ /def$/} next nil unless def_length [def_start, def_length] }.sort!{|a, b| b[0] <=> a[0]} # お尻の方から順に、後ろから消せば安全に消せる delete_lines.each{|def_start, def_length| (def_length + 1).times{|i| lines.delete_at(def_start)} } lines.insert(delete_lines[-1][0], <<'__TEXT__') /MFshowW {gsave 0 dict begin /Gshow {[] 0 setdash userlinewidth 3 mul setlinewidth LCw setrgbcolor false charpath currentpoint stroke M} def MFshow end grestore} def /MLshow { currentpoint stroke M 0 exch R dup MFshowW Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse } bind def /MRshow { currentpoint stroke M exch dup MFwidth neg 3 -1 roll R dup MFshowW Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse} bind def /MCshow { currentpoint stroke M exch dup MFwidth -2 div 3 -1 roll R dup MFshowW Blacktext {gsave 0 setgray MFshow grestore} {MFshow} ifelse } bind def __TEXT__ }.call proc{ # keyの裏側のボックスの除去、凡例線の裏書 line_no = 0 lines.reverse_each{|line| line_no -= 1 if line =~ /^([\d.]+) (\d+ ){4}BoxColFill/ then lines[line_no] = "%#{line}" break elsif line.chomp =~ /^% End plot #\d+/ and lines[line_no - 1].chomp =~ /^\d+ \d+ V$/ then lines[line_no - 1] = <<"__TEXT__" + lines[line_no - 1] currentpoint gsave [] 0 setdash userlinewidth 3 mul setlinewidth LCw setrgbcolor #{lines[line_no - 1].chomp} stroke grestore M __TEXT__ end } }.call f.rewind f.print lines.join f.truncate(f.tell) } end end class Plotter def Plotter::plot(gp = nil) Gnuplot::Plot::new(gp){|arg| yield arg } end def Plotter::plot_3d(gp = nil) Gnuplot::SPlot::new(gp){|arg| yield arg } end def Plotter::plot_eps(file_name, gp = nil) Plotter::plot(gp){|arg| Gnuplot::info('draw', file_name) arg.terminal "postscript eps enhanced color" arg.output file_name yield arg } end def Plotter::plot_eps_3d(file_name, gp = nil) plot_3d(gp){|arg| Gnuplot::info('draw', file_name) arg.terminal "postscript eps enhanced color" arg.output file_name yield arg } end def Plotter::auto_key_front [:plot_basic, :plot_basic_3d].each{|f| f_orig = "#{f}_orig".to_sym next if self.methods.include?(f_orig) # TODO 一時的な二重呼び出し防止措置 self.instance_eval <<-__FUNC__ alias :#{f_orig} #{f} def #{f}(eps_fname, &b) #{f_orig}(eps_fname){|plot| plot.set('key opaque nobox') } Gnuplot::key_front(eps_fname) Gnuplot::info('modify', eps_fname) end __FUNC__ } end def Plotter::plot_basic file_name{|gp| plot_eps(file_name, gp){|arg| yield arg } } end def Plotter::plot_basic_3d file_name{|gp| plot_eps_3d(file_name, gp){|arg| yield arg } } end def Plotter::draw_eps(fname, x, y) x_label, x_value = x.to_a[0] plot_basic(fname){|arg| arg.xlabel "'#{x_label}'" yield arg if block_given? items = [] y.each{|y_label, y_value| items << Gnuplot::DataSet::new([x_value, y_value]){|ds| ds.with = "lines lw 3" ds.title = y_label } } = items } end end class Array def to_gplot if ( self[0].kind_of? Array ) then begin self.transpose.collect{|a| a.join(' ')}.join("\n") + "\ne" rescue tmp = self[0].zip( *self[1..-1] ) tmp.collect { |a| a.join(" ") }.join("\n") + "\ne" end elsif ( self[0].kind_of? Numeric ) then s = "" self.length.times { |i| s << "#{self[i]}\n" } s else self[0].zip( *self[1..-1] ).to_gplot end end def to_gsplot f = "" if ( self[0].kind_of? Array ) then x = self[0] y = self[1] z = self[2] (0...x.size).each{|i| f << "#{x[i]} #{y[i]} #{z[i]}\n" } elsif ( self[0].kind_of? Numeric ) then self.length.times do |i| f << "#{self[i]}\n" end else self[0].zip( *self[1..-1] ).to_gsplot end f end end class DataSet3D < Array def to_gsplot f = "" x = self[0] y = self[1] d = self[2] x.each_with_index{|xv, i| if i > 0 then f << "\n" end y.each_with_index{|yv, j| f << "#{xv} #{yv} #{d[i][j]}\n" } } #puts f f end end