For everyone who is interested in automatically updating IP to, a Dynamic DNS.

From this page, you can download an automatically updating script written in "Ruby" language.

This script has following features...

  1. You can update secure.(This script uses MD5 algorithm, and no need to send raw your password.)
  2. This script has two modes. One is the daemon mode, which detects IP changing and updates automatically forever. The other is the one time updating mode, which is assumed using with "cron".
  3. If you don't know how to get own current IP, it's OK. This is because the sciprt can detect current IP by the IP reporting server @

download script.

Before you start using this script, plaease modify it with your environment.

This script is coded by fenrir(M.Naruoka).
And this script is free and belonged to so-called "the public licence",
so please take full responsibility for your running this script.

But I'd like to recieve your feedback.
If you have any question or idea, please send mail casually.