#ifndef __GPS_H__ #define __GPS_H__ /** * GPSに関するヘッダ * C/AコードやEphemerisについて記述 * */ #include // C67用は考える必要あり #include #include #include "WGS84.h" #include "util/util.h" #include "util/iostream_format.h" #include "coordinate.h" #ifdef pow2 #define POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #define pow2(x) ((x)*(x)) #endif #ifdef pow3 #define POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #define pow3(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)) #endif template class CA_Code { public: static const FloatT FREQENCY; static const FloatT LENGTH_1CHIP; public: class PRN { public: typedef std::bitset<10> content_t; protected: content_t _content; public: void reset(){_content.set();} PRN() : _content() {reset();} virtual ~PRN(){} virtual bool get() const = 0; virtual void next() = 0; #if ENABLE_IOSTREAM friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const PRN &prn){ out << const_cast(&prn)->_content; return out; } #endif }; class G1 : public PRN { public: G1() : PRN() {} ~G1(){} bool get() const {return PRN::_content[9];} void next(){ bool tmp(PRN::_content[2] ^ PRN::_content[9]); PRN::_content <<= 1; PRN::_content[0] = tmp; } }; class G2 : public PRN { protected: const int _selector1, _selector2; public: G2(int selector1, int selector2) : PRN(), _selector1(selector1), _selector2(selector2) {} ~G2(){} bool get() const {return PRN::_content[_selector1] ^ PRN::_content[_selector2];} void next(){ bool tmp(PRN::_content[1] ^ PRN::_content[2] ^ PRN::_content[5] ^ PRN::_content[7] ^ PRN::_content[8] ^ PRN::_content[9]); PRN::_content <<= 1; PRN::_content[0] = tmp; } static G2 Satellite_G2(int satellite_ID){ switch(satellite_ID){ case 1: return G2(1, 5); case 2: return G2(2, 6); case 3: return G2(3, 7); case 4: return G2(4, 8); case 5: return G2(0, 8); case 6: return G2(1, 9); case 7: return G2(0, 7); case 8: return G2(1, 8); case 9: return G2(2, 9); case 10: return G2(1, 2); case 11: return G2(2, 3); case 12: return G2(4, 5); case 13: return G2(5, 6); case 14: return G2(6, 7); case 15: return G2(7, 8); case 16: return G2(8, 9); case 17: return G2(0, 3); case 18: return G2(1, 4); case 19: return G2(2, 5); case 20: return G2(3, 6); case 21: return G2(4, 7); case 22: return G2(5, 8); case 23: return G2(0, 2); case 24: return G2(3, 5); case 25: return G2(4, 6); case 26: return G2(5, 7); case 27: return G2(6, 8); case 28: return G2(7, 9); case 29: return G2(0, 5); case 30: return G2(1, 6); case 31: return G2(2, 7); case 32: return G2(3, 8); case 33: return G2(4, 9); case 34: return G2(3, 9); case 35: return G2(0, 6); case 36: return G2(1, 7); default: return G2(3, 9); } } }; protected: G1 _g1; G2 _g2; public: CA_Code(int sid) : _g1(), _g2(G2::Satellite_G2(sid)){} ~CA_Code(){} bool get() const {return _g1.get() ^ _g2.get();} int get_multi() const {return get() ? 1 : -1;} void next(){ _g1.next(); _g2.next(); } }; template const FloatT CA_Code::FREQENCY = 1.023E6; template const FloatT CA_Code::LENGTH_1CHIP = 1. / CA_Code::FREQENCY; template struct GPS_Time { static const unsigned int seconds_day = 60U * 60 * 24; static const unsigned int seconds_week = seconds_day * 7; static const int days_of_month[]; int week; FloatT seconds; GPS_Time() {} GPS_Time(const GPS_Time &t) : week(t.week), seconds(t.seconds) {} GPS_Time(const int &_week, const FloatT &_seconds) : week(_week), seconds(_seconds) {} void canonicalize(){ if(seconds >= seconds_week){ int quot((int)(seconds / seconds_week)); week += quot; seconds -= quot * seconds_week; }else if(seconds < 0){ int quot((int)(-seconds / seconds_week) + 1); week -= quot; seconds += quot * seconds_week; } } GPS_Time(const struct tm &t, const FloatT leap_seconds = 0) { int days(-6); int y(t.tm_year - 80); if(y < 0){y += 100;} days += y * 365 + ((y + 3) / 4); for(int i(0); i < t.tm_mon; i++){ days += days_of_month[i]; if((i == 2) && (t.tm_year % 4 == 0)) days++; } days += t.tm_mday; week = days / 7; seconds = leap_seconds + (days % 7) * seconds_day + t.tm_hour * 60 * 60 + t.tm_min * 60 + t.tm_sec; canonicalize(); } static GPS_Time now(const FloatT leap_seconds = 0) { time_t timer; struct tm t; time(&timer); // 現在時刻 #if defined(_MSC_VER) gmtime_s(&t, &timer); // 現在時刻を構造体に変換 #elif defined(__GNUC__) gmtime_r(&timer, &t); // 現在時刻を構造体に変換 #else t = *gmtime(&timer); #endif return GPS_Time(t, leap_seconds); } GPS_Time &operator+=(const FloatT &sec){ seconds += sec; canonicalize(); return *this; } GPS_Time &operator-=(const FloatT &sec){ return operator+=(-sec); } GPS_Time operator+(const FloatT &sec) const { GPS_Time t(*this); return (t += sec); } GPS_Time operator-(const FloatT &sec) const { return operator+(-sec); } /** * 時間差を求める、戻り値はsec単位 */ FloatT operator-(const GPS_Time &t) const { FloatT res(seconds - t.seconds); res += (week - t.week) * seconds_week; return res; } friend FloatT operator+(FloatT v, const GPS_Time &t){ return v + ((t.week * seconds_week) + t.seconds); } friend FloatT operator-(FloatT v, const GPS_Time &t){ return v - ((t.week * seconds_week) + t.seconds); } bool operator<(const GPS_Time &t) const { return ((week < t.week) ? true : ((week > t.week) ? false : (seconds < t.seconds))); } bool operator>(const GPS_Time &t) const { return t.operator<(*this); } bool operator==(const GPS_Time &t) const { return (week == t.week) && (seconds == t.seconds); } bool operator!=(const GPS_Time &t) const { return !(operator==(t)); } bool operator<=(const GPS_Time &t) const { return ((week < t.week) ? true : ((week > t.week) ? false : (seconds <= t.seconds))); } bool operator>=(const GPS_Time &t) const { return t.operator<=(*this); } struct tm c_tm(const FloatT leap_seconds = 0) const { struct tm t; GPS_Time mod_t((*this) + leap_seconds); t.tm_min = (int)(mod_t.seconds / 60); t.tm_sec = (int)(mod_t.seconds - t.tm_min * 60); t.tm_hour = (t.tm_min / 60); t.tm_min -= t.tm_hour * 60; t.tm_mday = t.tm_hour / 24; t.tm_hour -= t.tm_mday * 24; t.tm_wday = t.tm_mday; t.tm_mday += 6 + (mod_t.week * 7); t.tm_year = (t.tm_mday / (365 * 3 + 366) * 4); t.tm_mday -= (t.tm_year / 4) * (365 * 3 + 366); if(t.tm_mday > 366){t.tm_mday -= 366; (t.tm_year)++;} for(int i(0); i < 2; i++){ if(t.tm_mday > 365){t.tm_mday -= 365; (t.tm_year)++;} } t.tm_yday = t.tm_mday; (t.tm_year += 80) %= 100; for(t.tm_mon = 0; t.tm_mday > days_of_month[t.tm_mon]; (t.tm_mon)++){ if((t.tm_mon == 1) && (t.tm_year % 4 == 0)){ if(t.tm_mday == 29){break;} else{t.tm_mday--;} } t.tm_mday -= days_of_month[t.tm_mon]; } t.tm_isdst = 0; //cout << t.tm_year << " " << t.tm_mon << " " << t.tm_mday << " " // << t.tm_hour << ":" << t.tm_min << ":" << t.tm_sec << endl; return t; } /** * t >= self のとき正の値 * t < self のとき負の値 */ FloatT interval(const unsigned int &t_week, const FloatT &t_seconds) const { return t_seconds - seconds + (t_week - week) * seconds_week; } /** * t >= self のとき正の値 * t < self のとき負の値 */ FloatT interval(const GPS_Time &t) const { return interval(t.week, t.seconds); } #if ENABLE_IOSTREAM friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const GPS_Time &t){ out << t.week << " week " << t.seconds << " sec."; return out; } #endif }; template const int GPS_Time::days_of_month[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; template class GPS_SpaceNode { public: static const FloatT light_speed; static const FloatT L1_Frequency; static const FloatT SC2RAD; protected: static FloatT rad2sc(const FloatT &rad) {return rad / PI;} static FloatT sc2rad(const FloatT &sc) {return sc * PI;} public: typedef GPS_SpaceNode self_t; typedef GPS_Time gps_time_t; typedef System_XYZ xyz_t; typedef System_LLH llh_t; typedef System_ENU enu_t; protected: typedef unsigned char u8_t; typedef signed char s8_t; typedef unsigned short u16_t; typedef signed short s16_t; typedef unsigned int u32_t; typedef signed int s32_t; typedef int int_t; typedef unsigned int uint_t; public: /** * GPS電離層遅延補正係数 * */ struct IonosphericDelayCoef { FloatT alpha0; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s) FloatT alpha1; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc) FloatT alpha2; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc^2) FloatT alpha3; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc^3) FloatT beta0; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s) FloatT beta1; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc) FloatT beta2; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc^2) FloatT beta3; ///< 電離層補正係数 (s/sc^3) FloatT A1; ///< UTCパラメータ (s/s) FloatT A0; ///< UTCパラメータ (s) FloatT t_ot; ///< エポック時間(UTC) (s) uint_t wn_t; ///< エポック時間(UTC) (weeks) FloatT delte_t_LS; ///< 現在の閏秒 (s) uint_t wn_LSF; ///< 閏秒の更新週 (weeks) uint_t DN; ///< 閏秒の更新日 (days) uint_t delta_t_LSF; ///< 更新後の閏秒 (days) struct raw_t { s8_t alpha0; ///< 電離層補正係数 (-30, s) s8_t alpha1; ///< 電離層補正係数 (-27, s/sc) s8_t alpha2; ///< 電離層補正係数 (-24, s/sc^2) s8_t alpha3; ///< 電離層補正係数 (-24, s/sc^3) s8_t beta0; ///< 電離層補正係数 (11, s) s8_t beta1; ///< 電離層補正係数 (14, s/sc) s8_t beta2; ///< 電離層補正係数 (16, s/sc^2) s8_t beta3; ///< 電離層補正係数 (16, s/sc^3) s32_t A1; ///< UTCパラメータ (-50, s/s) s32_t A0; ///< UTCパラメータ (-30, s) u8_t t_ot; ///< エポック時間(UTC) (12E0, s) u8_t WN_t; ///< エポック時間(UTC) (weeks) u8_t delte_t_LS; ///< 現在の閏秒 (s) u8_t WN_LSF; ///< 閏秒の更新週 (weeks) u8_t DN; ///< 閏秒の更新日 (days) u8_t delta_t_LSF; ///< 更新後の閏秒 (days) IonosphericDelayCoef convert() const { IonosphericDelayCoef converted; #define CONVERT(TARGET, SF) \ {converted.TARGET = SF * TARGET;} #define POWER_2(n) \ (((n) >= 0) \ ? (FloatT)(1 << (n)) \ : (((FloatT)1) / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? 30 : -(n))) \ / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? (-(n) - 30) : 0)))) CONVERT(alpha0, POWER_2(-30)); CONVERT(alpha1, POWER_2(-27)); CONVERT(alpha2, POWER_2(-24)); CONVERT(alpha3, POWER_2(-24)); CONVERT(beta0, POWER_2( 11)); CONVERT(beta1, POWER_2( 14)); CONVERT(beta2, POWER_2( 16)); CONVERT(beta3, POWER_2( 16)); CONVERT(A1, POWER_2(-50)); CONVERT(A0, POWER_2(-30)); CONVERT(t_ot, 12E0); converted.WN_t = WN_t; CONVERT(delte_t_LS, 1E0) converted.WN_LSF = WN_LSF; converted.DN = DN; converted.delta_t_LSF = delta_t_LSF; #undef POWER_2 #undef CONVERT return converted; }; }; }; public: class Satellite { public: /** * GPSエフェメリスデータ * (サブフレーム1,2,3) * */ struct Ephemeris { uint_t svid; ///< 衛星番号 // Subframe.1 uint_t WN; ///< 週番号 int_t URA; ///< 測距精度 uint_t SV_health; ///< 衛星健康状態 int_t iodc; ///< クロック情報番号 FloatT t_GD; ///< 郡遅延 (s) FloatT t_oc; ///< エポック時刻 FloatT a_f2; ///< クロック補正係数 (s/s^2) FloatT a_f1; ///< クロック補正係数 (s/s) FloatT a_f0; ///< クロック補正係数 (s) // Subframe.2 int_t iode; ///< 軌道情報番号 FloatT c_rs; ///< 軌道補正係数 (m) FloatT delta_n; ///< (rad/s) FloatT m0; ///< 平均近点角 (rad) FloatT c_uc; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) FloatT e; ///< 離心率 FloatT c_us; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) FloatT sqrt_A; ///< 軌道半径 (sqrt(m)) FloatT t_oe; ///< エポック時間 (s) FloatT fit_interval; ///< フィット間隔 // Subframe.3 FloatT c_ic; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) FloatT Omega0; ///< 昇交点赤経 (rad) FloatT c_is; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) FloatT i0; ///< 軌道傾斜角 (rad) FloatT c_rc; ///< 軌道補正係数 (m) FloatT omega; ///< 近地点引数 (rad) FloatT dot_Omega0; ///< Omega0変化率 (rad/s) FloatT dot_i0; ///< i0変化率 (rad/s) FloatT period_from_time_of_clock(const gps_time_t &t) const { return -t.interval(WN, t_oc); } FloatT period_from_time_of_ephemeris(const gps_time_t &t) const { return -t.interval(WN, t_oe); } /** * 有効がどうかを返す * * @param t GPS時刻 */ bool is_valid(const gps_time_t &t) const { //cout << fit_interval << endl; //cout << t.interval(WN, t_oc) << endl; //cout << t << ", " << t_oc << endl; return (_abs(t.interval(WN, t_oc)) <= (fit_interval / 2)); } /** * 新しいものが利用可能であるか可能性を返す * */ bool maybe_newer_one_avilable(const gps_time_t &t) const { FloatT interval_to_t_oc(t.interval(WN, t_oc)); return !((0 <= interval_to_t_oc) && (interval_to_t_oc <= (fit_interval / 2))); } struct raw_t { u8_t svid; ///< 衛星番号 u16_t WN; ///< 週番号 u8_t URA; ///< 測距精度 u8_t SV_health; ///< 衛星健康状態 u16_t iodc; ///< クロック情報番号 s8_t t_GD; ///< 郡遅延 (-31, s) u16_t t_oc; ///< エポック時刻 s8_t a_f2; ///< クロック補正係数 (-55, s/s^2) s16_t a_f1; ///< クロック補正係数 (-43, s/s) s16_t a_f0; ///< クロック補正係数 (-31, s) u8_t iode; ///< 軌道情報番号 s16_t c_rs; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-5, m) s16_t delta_n; ///< (-43, sc/s) s32_t m0; ///< 平均近点角 (-31, sc) s16_t c_uc; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-29, rad) u32_t e; ///< 離心率 (-33) s16_t c_us; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-29, rad) u32_t sqrt_A; ///< 軌道半径 (-19, sqrt(m)) u16_t t_oe; ///< エポック時間 (4, s) bool fit_interval_flag; ///< フィット間隔フラグ(ICD: s16_t c_ic; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-29, rad) s32_t Omega0; ///< 昇交点赤経 (-31, sc) s16_t c_is; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-29, rad) s32_t i0; ///< 軌道傾斜角 (-31, sc) s16_t c_rc; ///< 軌道補正係数 (-5, m) s32_t omega; ///< 近地点引数 (-31, sc) s32_t dot_Omega0; ///< Omega0変化率 (-43, sc/s) s16_t dot_i0; ///< i0変化率 (-43, sc/s) Ephemeris convert() const { Ephemeris converted; #define CONVERT(TARGET, SF) \ {converted.TARGET = SF * TARGET;} #define POWER_2(n) \ (((n) >= 0) \ ? (FloatT)(1 << (n)) \ : (((FloatT)1) / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? 30 : -(n))) \ / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? (-(n) - 30) : 0)))) converted.svid = svid; converted.WN = WN; converted.URA = URA; converted.SV_health = SV_health; converted.iodc = iodc; CONVERT(t_GD, POWER_2(-31)); converted.t_oc = t_oc; CONVERT(a_f0, POWER_2(-55)); CONVERT(a_f1, POWER_2(-43)); CONVERT(a_f2, POWER_2(-31)); converted.iode = iode; CONVERT(c_rs, POWER_2(-5)); CONVERT(delta_n, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43)); CONVERT(m0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31)); CONVERT(c_uc, POWER_2(-29)); CONVERT(e, POWER_2(-33)); CONVERT(c_us, POWER_2(-29)); CONVERT(sqrt_A, POWER_2(-19)); CONVERT(t_oe, POWER_2(4)); CONVERT(c_ic, POWER_2(-29)); CONVERT(Omega0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31)); CONVERT(c_is, POWER_2(-29)); CONVERT(i0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31)); CONVERT(c_rc, POWER_2(-5)); CONVERT(omega, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-31)); CONVERT(dot_Omega0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43)); CONVERT(dot_i0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-43)); #undef POWER_2 #undef CONVERT // From ICD: if(fit_interval_flag == false){ // normal operation converted.fit_interval = 4 * 60 * 60; }else{ // short/long-trem extended operation if(iodc >= 240 && iodc <= 247){ converted.fit_interval = 8 * 60 * 60; }else if((iodc >= 248 && iodc <= 255) || (iodc == 496)){ converted.fit_interval = 14 * 60 * 60; }else if(iodc >= 497 && iodc <= 503){ converted.fit_interval = 26 * 60 * 60; }else if(iodc >= 504 && iodc <= 510){ converted.fit_interval = 50 * 60 * 60; }else if((iodc == 511) || (iodc >= 752 && iodc <= 756)){ converted.fit_interval = 74 * 60 * 60; }else if(iodc >= 757 && iodc <= 763){ converted.fit_interval = 98 * 60 * 60; }else if((iodc >= 764 && iodc <= 767) || (iodc >= 1008 && iodc <= 1010)){ converted.fit_interval = 122 * 60 * 60; }else if(iodc >= 1011 && iodc <= 1020){ converted.fit_interval = 146 * 60 * 60; }else{ converted.fit_interval = 6 * 60 * 60; } } return converted; } }; }; /** * GPSアルマナック * (サブフレーム4,5より得られる) * */ struct Almanach { uint_t svid; ///< 衛星番号 FloatT e; ///< 離心率 FloatT t_oa; ///< エポック時刻 (s) FloatT delta_i; ///< 軌道傾斜角 (rad) FloatT dot_Omega0; ///< Omega0変化率 (rad/s) uint_t sv_health; ///< 衛星健康状態 FloatT sqrt_A; ///< 軌道半径 (sqrt(m)) FloatT Omega0; ///< 昇交点赤経 (rad) FloatT omega; ///< 近地点引数 (rad) FloatT M0; ///< 平均近点角 (rad) FloatT a_f0; ///< クロック補正係数 (s) FloatT a_f1; ///< クロック補正係数 (s) /** * Ephemerisにキャストできるようにする * */ operator Ephemeris() const { Ephemeris converted; converted.svid = svid; // Subframe.1 converted.WN = 0; ///< 週番号、あとで設定すること converted.URA = -1; ///< 測距精度 converted.SV_health = sv_health; ///< 衛星健康状態 converted.iodc = -1; ///< クロック情報番号 converted.t_GD = 0; ///< 郡遅延 converted.t_oc = t_oa; ///< エポック時刻 converted.a_f2 = 0; ///< クロック補正係数 (s/s^2) converted.a_f1 = a_f1; ///< クロック補正係数 (s/s) converted.a_f0 = a_f0; ///< クロック補正係数 (s) // Subframe.2 converted.iode = -1; ///< 軌道情報番号 converted.c_rs = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (m) converted.delta_n = 0; ///< (rad/s) converted.m0 = M0; ///< 平均近点角 (rad) converted.c_uc = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) converted.e = e; ///< 離心率 converted.c_us = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) converted.sqrt_A = sqrt_A; ///< 軌道半径 (sqrt(m)) converted.t_oe = t_oa; ///< エポック時間 (s) converted.fit_interval = 4 * 60 * 60;///< フィット間隔 // Subframe.3 converted.c_ic = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) converted.Omega0 = Omega0; ///< 昇交点赤経 (rad) converted.c_is = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (rad) converted.i0 = delta_i; ///< 軌道傾斜角 (rad) converted.c_rc = 0; ///< 軌道補正係数 (m) converted.omega = omega; ///< 近地点引数 (rad) converted.dot_Omega0 = dot_Omega0; ///< Omega0変化率 (rad/s) converted.dot_i0 = 0; ///< i0変化率 (rad/s) return converted; } struct raw_t { u8_t svid; ///< 衛星番号 u16_t e; ///< 離心率 (-21) u8_t t_oa; ///< エポック時刻 (12, s) u16_t delta_i; ///< 軌道傾斜角 (-19, sc) u16_t dot_Omega0; ///< Omega0変化率 (-38, sc/s) u8_t sv_health; ///< 衛星健康状態 u32_t sqrt_A; ///< 軌道半径 (-11, sqrt(m)) u32_t Omega0; ///< 昇交点赤経 (-23, sc) u32_t omega; ///< 近地点引数 (-23, sc) u32_t M0; ///< 平均近点角 (-23, sc) u16_t a_f0; ///< クロック補正係数 (-20, s) u16_t a_f1; ///< クロック補正係数 (-38, s) Almanach convert() const { Almanach converted; #define CONVERT(TARGET, SF) \ {converted.TARGET = SF * TARGET;} #define POWER_2(n) \ (((n) >= 0) \ ? (FloatT)(1 << (n)) \ : (((FloatT)1) / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? 30 : -(n))) \ / (1 << (-(n) >= 30 ? (-(n) - 30) : 0)))) converted.svid = svid; CONVERT(e, POWER_2(-21)); CONVERT(t_oa, POWER_2(12)); CONVERT(delta_i, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-19)); CONVERT(dot_Omega0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-38)); converted.sv_health = sv_health; CONVERT(sqrt_A, POWER_2(-11)); CONVERT(Omega0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23)); CONVERT(omega, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23)); CONVERT(M0, SC2RAD * POWER_2(-23)); CONVERT(a_f0, POWER_2(-20)); CONVERT(a_f1, POWER_2(-38)); #undef POWER_2 #undef CONVERT return converted; } }; }; protected: Ephemeris _ephemeris; public: Ephemeris &ephemeris() {return _ephemeris;} FloatT eccentric_anomaly(const FloatT &period_from_toe) const { // 平均近点角M(Mk) FloatT n0(sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow3(_ephemeris.sqrt_A)); FloatT Mk(_ephemeris.m0 + (n0 + _ephemeris.delta_n) * period_from_toe); // 離心近点角E(Ek) FloatT Ek(Mk); #ifndef KEPLER_DELTA_LIMIT #define KEPLER_DELTA_LIMIT 1E-12 #endif for(int loop(0); loop < 10; loop++){ FloatT Ek2(Mk + _ephemeris.e * sin(Ek)); if(_abs(Ek2 - Ek) < KEPLER_DELTA_LIMIT){break;} Ek = Ek2; } return Ek; } FloatT eccentric_anomaly(const gps_time_t &t) const { return eccentric_anomaly(_ephemeris.period_from_time_of_ephemeris(t)); } FloatT clock_error(const gps_time_t &t, const FloatT pseudo_range = 0) const{ FloatT tk(_ephemeris.period_from_time_of_clock(t)); // 伝播時間の考慮 FloatT period_propagation(pseudo_range / self_t::light_speed); // 相対論補正 FloatT tr(-2.0 * sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow2(self_t::light_speed) * _ephemeris.e * _ephemeris.sqrt_A * sin(eccentric_anomaly(_ephemeris.period_from_time_of_ephemeris(t) - period_propagation))); //cout << "tr => " << tr << endl; // 伝播時間の除去 tk -= period_propagation; FloatT dt(_ephemeris.a_f0 + _ephemeris.a_f1 * tk + _ephemeris.a_f2 * pow2(tk)); return dt + tr - _ephemeris.t_GD; } struct constellation_t { xyz_t pos; xyz_t vel; }; constellation_t constellation( const gps_time_t &t, const FloatT &pseudo_range = 0, const bool &with_velocity = true) const { constellation_t res; // 時間差を求める FloatT tk0(_ephemeris.period_from_time_of_ephemeris(t)); FloatT tk(tk0); // 伝播時間の除去 tk -= pseudo_range / self_t::light_speed; //cout << "tk => " << tk << endl; // 離心近点角E(Ek) FloatT Ek(eccentric_anomaly(tk)); //cout << "Ek => " << Ek << endl; // 動径長(rk) FloatT rk(pow2(_ephemeris.sqrt_A) * (1.0 - _ephemeris.e * cos(Ek))); // 真近点角theta(vk) FloatT vk(atan2( sqrt(1.0 - pow2(_ephemeris.e)) * sin(Ek), cos(Ek) - _ephemeris.e)); // 緯度引数(pk) [rad] FloatT pk(vk + _ephemeris.omega); // 軌道傾斜角(ik) FloatT ik(_ephemeris.i0); // 補正係数の適用 { FloatT pk2_sin(sin(pk * 2)), pk2_cos(cos(pk * 2)); FloatT d_uk( _ephemeris.c_us * pk2_sin + _ephemeris.c_uc * pk2_cos); FloatT d_rk( _ephemeris.c_rs * pk2_sin + _ephemeris.c_rc * pk2_cos); FloatT d_ik( _ephemeris.c_is * pk2_sin + _ephemeris.c_ic * pk2_cos); pk += d_uk; rk += d_rk; ik += d_ik + _ephemeris.dot_i0 * tk; } //cout << "ik => " << ik << endl; // 軌道面内での位置(xk, yk) FloatT xk(rk * cos(pk)), yk(rk * sin(pk)); //cout << "xk, yk => " << xk << ", " << yk << endl; // 昇交点の経度(Omegak) [rad] //#define __MISUNDERSTANDING_ABOUT_OMEGA0_CORRECTION__ #ifdef __MISUNDERSTANDING_ABOUT_OMEGA0_CORRECTION__ FloatT Omegak(_ephemeris.Omega0 + (_ephemeris.dot_Omega0 - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU) * tk0 - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU * _ephemeris.t_oe); #else FloatT Omegak(_ephemeris.Omega0 + _ephemeris.dot_Omega0 * tk // corrected with the time when the wave is transmitted - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU * (_ephemeris.t_oe + tk0)); // corrected with the time when the wave is received #endif //cout << "Omega0 => " << _ephemeris.Omega0 << endl; //cout << WGS84::Omega_Earth << endl; //cout << "Omegak => " << Omegak << endl; FloatT Omegak_sin(sin(Omegak)), Omegak_cos(cos(Omegak)); FloatT ik_sin(sin(ik)), ik_cos(cos(ik)); //cout << Omegak_cos << ", " << Omegak_sin << endl; res.pos.x() = xk * Omegak_cos - yk * Omegak_sin * ik_cos; res.pos.y() = xk * Omegak_sin + yk * Omegak_cos * ik_cos; res.pos.z() = yk * ik_sin; // 速度関係の計算 => GPS solution vol.8 (3) http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/gps-toolbox/bc_velo.htm if(with_velocity){ FloatT n((sqrt(WGS84::mu_Earth) / pow3(_ephemeris.sqrt_A)) + _ephemeris.delta_n); FloatT Ek_dot(n / (1.0 - _ephemeris.e * cos(Ek))); FloatT vk_dot(sin(Ek) * Ek_dot * (1.0 + _ephemeris.e * cos(vk)) / (sin(vk) * (1.0 - _ephemeris.e * cos(Ek)))); FloatT pk2_sin(sin(pk * 2)), pk2_cos(cos(pk * 2)); FloatT pk_dot(((_ephemeris.c_us * pk2_cos - _ephemeris.c_uc * pk2_sin) * 2 + 1.0) * vk_dot); FloatT rk_dot(pow2(_ephemeris.sqrt_A) * _ephemeris.e * sin(Ek) * n / (1.0 - _ephemeris.e * cos(Ek)) + (_ephemeris.c_rs * pk2_cos - _ephemeris.c_rc * pk2_sin) * 2 * vk_dot); FloatT ik_dot(_ephemeris.dot_i0 + (_ephemeris.c_is * pk2_cos - _ephemeris.c_ic * pk2_sin) * 2 * vk_dot); // 軌道面内での速度(xk_dot, yk_dot) FloatT xk_dot(rk_dot * cos(pk) - yk * pk_dot), yk_dot(rk_dot * sin(pk) + xk * pk_dot); FloatT Omegak_dot(_ephemeris.dot_Omega0 - WGS84::Omega_Earth_IAU); res.vel.x() = (xk_dot - yk * ik_cos * Omegak_dot) * Omegak_cos - (xk * Omegak_dot + yk_dot * ik_cos - yk * ik_sin * ik_dot) * Omegak_sin; res.vel.y() = (xk_dot - yk * ik_cos * Omegak_dot) * Omegak_sin + (xk * Omegak_dot + yk_dot * ik_cos - yk * ik_sin * ik_dot) * Omegak_cos; res.vel.z() = yk_dot * ik_sin + yk * ik_cos * ik_dot; } // 結果の出力 return res; } xyz_t whereis(const gps_time_t &t, const FloatT &pseudo_range = 0) const { return constellation(t, pseudo_range, false).pos; } xyz_t velocity(const gps_time_t &t, const FloatT &pseudo_range = 0) const { return constellation(t, pseudo_range, true).vel; } }; public: typedef std::map satellites_t; protected: IonosphericDelayCoef _iono_coef; satellites_t _satellites; public: GPS_SpaceNode() : _satellites() { } ~GPS_SpaceNode(){ _satellites.clear(); } IonosphericDelayCoef &iono_coef() { return _iono_coef; } satellites_t &satellites() { return _satellites; } Satellite &satellite(int prn) { return _satellites[prn]; } bool has_satellite(int prn) const { return _satellites.find(prn) != _satellites.end(); } /** * 電離層遅延補正量(単位はm) * * @param relative_pos 相対座標系での位置 */ FloatT iono_correction( const enu_t &relative_pos, const llh_t &usrllh, const gps_time_t &t) const { // 仰角と方位角 FloatT el(relative_pos.elevation()), az(relative_pos.azimuth()); FloatT sc_el(rad2sc(el)), sc_az(rad2sc(az)); // ピアースポイント FloatT psi(0.0137 / (sc_el + 0.11) - 0.022); FloatT phi_i(rad2sc(const_cast(&usrllh)->latitude()) + psi * cos(az)); if(phi_i > 0.416){phi_i = 0.416;} else if(phi_i < -0.416){phi_i = -0.416;} FloatT lambda_i(rad2sc(const_cast(&usrllh)->longitude()) + psi * sin(az) / cos(sc2rad(phi_i))); FloatT phi_m(phi_i + 0.064 * cos(sc2rad(lambda_i - 1.617))); // 地方時 FloatT lt(4.32E4 * lambda_i + t.seconds); while(lt > gps_time_t::seconds_day){ lt -= gps_time_t::seconds_day; } while(lt < 0){ lt += gps_time_t::seconds_day; } // コサイン関数の周期と振幅 FloatT amp(0), per(0); const FloatT *alpha[] = { &(_iono_coef.alpha0), &(_iono_coef.alpha1), &(_iono_coef.alpha2), &(_iono_coef.alpha3)}; const FloatT *beta[] = { &(_iono_coef.beta0), &(_iono_coef.beta1), &(_iono_coef.beta2), &(_iono_coef.beta3)}; FloatT phi_mn(1.); for(int i(0); i < 4; i++){ amp += *(alpha[i]) * phi_mn; per += *(beta[i]) * phi_mn; phi_mn *= phi_m; } if(amp < 0){amp = 0;} if(per < 72000){per = 72000;} // 傾斜係数 FloatT F(1.0 + 16.0 * pow((0.53 - sc_el), 3)); FloatT x(PI * 2 * (lt - 50400) / per); if(x > PI){ do{x -= PI * 2;}while(x > PI); }else if(x < -PI){ do{x += PI * 2;}while(x < -PI); } FloatT T_iono(5E-9); if(_abs(x) < 1.57){ T_iono += amp * (1. - pow2(x) * (1.0 / 2 - pow2(x) / 24)); // ICD p.148 } T_iono *= F; return -T_iono * self_t::light_speed; } FloatT iono_correction( const xyz_t &sat, const xyz_t &usr, const gps_time_t &t) const { return iono_correction( enu_t::relative(sat, usr), usr.llh(), t); } /** * 対流圏遅延補正量(単位はm) * */ FloatT tropo_correction( const enu_t &relative_pos, const llh_t &usrllh) const { // 仰角(単位はrad) FloatT el(relative_pos.elevation()); // 高度(m) FloatT h(const_cast(&usrllh)->height()); FloatT f(1.0); if(h > (1.0 / 2.3E-5)){ f = 0; }else if(h > 0){ f -= h * 2.3E-5; } return -2.47 * pow(f, 5) / (sin(el) + 0.0121); } FloatT tropo_correction( const xyz_t &sat, const xyz_t &usr) const { return tropo_correction( enu_t::relative(sat, usr), usr.llh()); } }; template const FloatT GPS_SpaceNode::light_speed = 2.99792458E8; template const FloatT GPS_SpaceNode::L1_Frequency = 1575.42E6; template const FloatT GPS_SpaceNode::SC2RAD = 3.1415926535898; #ifdef POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #undef POW2_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #undef pow2 #endif #ifdef POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #undef POW3_ALREADY_DEFINED #else #undef pow3 #endif #endif /* __GPS_H__ */