#include "kernel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "peripheral/usb0_impl.h" #include "peripheral/led.h" #include "peripheral/uart.h" #include "peripheral/spi.h" #include "peripheral/i2c.h" #include "peripheral/ads1248.h" #include "peripheral/spirom.h" #include "peripheral/ublox.h" #include "peripheral/mmcsd.h" #include "peripheral/hmc58x3.h" #include "peripheral/mag3110.h" #include "peripheral/ms5611.h" #include "peripheral/seeedOLED.h" #include "peripheral/max2ufm.h" #include "fatfs/ff.h" #include "navigation.h" #include "calibration.h" #include "guidance_control.h" #include "shell.h" #include "data_matrix.h" #include "util/endian.h" #include "param/constant.h" volatile Uint16 * const cpld_servo_obs((volatile Uint16 *)0x62000000u); volatile Uint16 * const cpld_servo_drv((volatile Uint16 *)0x62000010u); volatile Uint8 * const cpld_general_reg((volatile Uint8 *)0x62000020u); static SEM_Obj sem_emifa_mmcsd; static SEM_Obj sem_spi0; static SEM_Obj sem_periodic; static SEM_Obj sem_periodic_slow; static SEM_Obj sem_1pps; void Kernel::simulate_1pps(){ SEM_postBinary(&sem_1pps); } #pragma DATA_ALIGN(0x100) static FATFS fatfs; static Uint8 kernel_state(0); static const Uint8 kernel_state_polling_active(0x01); static const Uint8 kernel_state_fs_active(0x02); static void wait(const unsigned int &us){ for(volatile int i(0); i < us; i++){ for(volatile int j(0); j < 300; j++); } } static class KernelConfig { private: template bool check_spec_then_convert(char *spec, const char *str, T1 &res, T2 &func){ if(std::strstr(spec, str) != spec){return false;} spec += std::strlen(str); if((*spec > 0x20) && (*spec < 0x7F)){return false;} // next character must be neither printable nor space. res = func(spec); return true; } template bool check_spec_then_atoi(char *spec, const char *str, T &res){ return check_spec_then_convert(spec, str, res, std::atoi); } template bool check_spec_then_atof(char *spec, const char *str, T &res){ return check_spec_then_convert(spec, str, res, std::atof); } public: bool user_file_is_null; Uint32 uart1_baudrate, uart2_baudrate; Uint32 uart1_bit, uart2_bit; enum usb_bridge_mode_t { USB_BRIDGE_NOP = 0, USB_BRIDGE_GPS, USB_BRIDGE_GS_LINK, USB_BRIDGE_SHELL, USB_BRIDGE_LOOPBACK, USB_BRIDGE_NA} usb_bridge_mode; bool usb_bridge_log; enum servo_out_raito_t { SERVO_OUT_50Hz = 0, SERVO_OUT_100Hz = 1, SERVO_OUT_200Hz = 2, SERVO_OUT_400Hz = 3, SERVO_OUT_RATIO_NA = 4} servo_out_raito; bool servo_out_force_cic; KernelConfig() : user_file_is_null(false), uart1_baudrate(9600), uart2_baudrate(115200), uart1_bit(100008), uart2_bit(100008), // 1stopbit,noparity,8databit usb_bridge_mode(USB_BRIDGE_NOP), usb_bridge_log(false), servo_out_raito(SERVO_OUT_50Hz), servo_out_force_cic(false) {} ~KernelConfig() {} void read_config(FIL &f){ char buf[512]; int _usb_bridge_mode(usb_bridge_mode), _servo_out_raito(servo_out_raito); float_sylph_t v_f[3]; while(f_gets(buf, sizeof(buf), &f)){ if(std::sscanf("mag_hard_iron_offset %lf %lf %lf", buf, &v_f[0], &v_f[1], &v_f[2]) == 3){ std::memcpy(navigation_config.mag_hard_iron_offset, v_f, sizeof(v_f)); continue; } check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "user_file_is_null", user_file_is_null) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "uart1_baudrate", uart1_baudrate) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "uart2_baudrate", uart2_baudrate) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "uart1_bit", uart1_bit) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "uart2_bit", uart2_bit) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "usb_bridge_mode", _usb_bridge_mode) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "usb_bridge_log", usb_bridge_log) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "servo_out_raito", _servo_out_raito) || check_spec_then_atoi(buf, "servo_out_force_cic", servo_out_force_cic); } #define check_and_substitute(target, range_min, range_over) \ if((_ ## target >= range_min) && (_ ## target < range_over)){ \ target = (target ## _t)_ ## target; \ } check_and_substitute(usb_bridge_mode, USB_BRIDGE_NOP, USB_BRIDGE_NA); check_and_substitute(servo_out_raito, SERVO_OUT_50Hz, SERVO_OUT_RATIO_NA); #undef check_and_substitute } } kernel_config; Kernel::Kernel() : initialized(false) {} Kernel::Kernel(const Kernel &orig) : initialized(orig.initialized) {} Kernel::~Kernel() {} Kernel &Kernel::get_instance(){ static Kernel only_one; return only_one; } static Kernel &kernel(Kernel::get_instance()); struct Kernel::SystemIO : public MinimalIO { int ref_count; unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size){return 0;} unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size){return 0;} virtual bool ioctl(const Kernel::ioctl_keys &key, const void *param){return false;} SystemIO() : ref_count(0){} virtual ~SystemIO(){} }; struct BufferedIO : public Kernel::SystemIO { SystemIO *delegatee; unsigned int tx_buf_size, rx_buf_size; char *tx_buf, *rx_buf; char *tx_buf_index, *rx_buf_index; unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { char * const _rx_buf(rx_buf); if(!_rx_buf){return delegatee->receive(buf, buf_size);} const unsigned int &_rx_buf_size(rx_buf_size); int receiving(_rx_buf_size - (rx_buf_index - _rx_buf)); if(receiving > buf_size){ std::memcpy(buf, rx_buf_index, buf_size); rx_buf_index += buf_size; return buf_size; } std::memcpy(buf, rx_buf_index, receiving); unsigned int remain(buf_size - receiving); if(remain > _rx_buf_size){ receiving += delegatee->receive(buf + receiving, (remain / _rx_buf_size) * _rx_buf_size); remain = buf_size - receiving; } unsigned int rx_buf_filled(delegatee->receive(_rx_buf, _rx_buf_size)); rx_buf_index = _rx_buf + _rx_buf_size - rx_buf_filled; if(rx_buf_index != _rx_buf){ std::memmove(rx_buf_index, _rx_buf, rx_buf_filled); } if(remain > rx_buf_filled){remain = rx_buf_filled;} std::memcpy(buf + receiving, rx_buf_index, remain); rx_buf_index += remain; receiving += remain; return receiving; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { char * const _tx_buf(tx_buf); if(!_tx_buf){return delegatee->transmit(buf, buf_size);} const unsigned int &_tx_buf_size(tx_buf_size); int transmitting(_tx_buf_size - (tx_buf_index - _tx_buf)); if(buf_size < transmitting){ std::memcpy(tx_buf_index, buf, buf_size); tx_buf_index += buf_size; return buf_size; } std::memcpy(tx_buf_index, buf, transmitting); unsigned int tx_buf_pushed(delegatee->transmit(_tx_buf, _tx_buf_size)); if(tx_buf_pushed == _tx_buf_size){ unsigned int remain(buf_size - transmitting); if(remain > _tx_buf_size){ transmitting += delegatee->transmit(buf + transmitting, (remain / _tx_buf_size) * _tx_buf_size); remain = buf_size - transmitting; if(remain > _tx_buf_size){remain = _tx_buf_size;} } std::memcpy(_tx_buf, buf + transmitting, remain); tx_buf_index = _tx_buf + remain; transmitting += remain; }else{ if(tx_buf_pushed > 0){ std::memmove(_tx_buf, _tx_buf + tx_buf_pushed, _tx_buf_size - tx_buf_pushed); } tx_buf_index = _tx_buf + _tx_buf_size - tx_buf_pushed; } return transmitting; } void set_buffer(const unsigned int &buf_size_tx, const unsigned int &buf_size_rx){ if((tx_buf_size = buf_size_tx) > 0){ tx_buf = new char[tx_buf_size]; tx_buf_index = tx_buf; }else{ tx_buf = NULL; } if((rx_buf_size = buf_size_rx) > 0){ rx_buf = new char[rx_buf_size]; rx_buf_index = rx_buf + rx_buf_size; }else{ rx_buf = NULL; } } bool ioctl(const Kernel::ioctl_keys &key, const void *param) { switch(key){ case Kernel::IOCTL_BUFFER: delete [] tx_buf; delete [] rx_buf; const unsigned int *tx_rx_buffers( static_cast(param)); set_buffer(tx_rx_buffers[0], tx_rx_buffers[1]); return true; default: return delegatee->ioctl(key, param); } } BufferedIO(SystemIO *io, const unsigned int &buf_size_tx, const unsigned int &buf_size_rx) : Kernel::SystemIO(), delegatee(io) { set_buffer(buf_size_tx, buf_size_rx); (delegatee->ref_count)++; } ~BufferedIO() { delete [] tx_buf; delete [] rx_buf; if((--(delegatee->ref_count)) <= 0){delete delegatee;} } }; unsigned int Kernel::IO::receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size){ return delegatee->receive(buf, buf_size); } unsigned int Kernel::IO::transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size){ return delegatee->transmit(buf, buf_size); } bool Kernel::IO::ioctl(const Kernel::ioctl_keys &key, const void *param){ switch(key){ case Kernel::IOCTL_BUFFER: if(!(delegatee->ioctl(key, param))){ const unsigned int *tx_rx_buffers( static_cast(param)); (delegatee->ref_count)--; delegatee = new BufferedIO(delegatee, tx_rx_buffers[0], tx_rx_buffers[1]); (delegatee->ref_count)++; } return true; default: return delegatee->ioctl(key, param); } } Kernel::IO::IO(SystemIO *io) : delegatee(io) {(delegatee->ref_count)++;} Kernel::IO::IO(const IO &orig) : delegatee(orig.delegatee) {(delegatee->ref_count)++;} Kernel::IO &Kernel::IO::operator=(const IO &rhs){ if(delegatee != rhs.delegatee){ if((--(delegatee->ref_count)) <= 0){delete delegatee;} delegatee = rhs.delegatee; (delegatee->ref_count)++; } return *this; } Kernel::IO::~IO(){ if((--(delegatee->ref_count)) <= 0){delete delegatee;} } struct SYS_MAPPED_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { const Uint8 *addr_base; unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { int count(0); volatile Uint8 *addr(const_cast(addr_base)); SEM_pendBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, SYS_FOREVER); while(count < buf_size){ buf[count++] = *(addr++); } SEM_postBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd); return count; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { int count(0); volatile Uint8 *addr(const_cast(addr_base)); SEM_pendBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, SYS_FOREVER); while(count < buf_size){ *(addr++) = buf[count++]; } SEM_postBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd); return count; } SYS_MAPPED_IO(const void *params) : Kernel::SystemIO(), addr_base((const Uint8 *)params) {} }; static struct UBLOX_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { bool blocking; SEM_Obj sem_tx; unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(blocking){ int count(0); while(count < buf_size){buf[count++] = uart1.getc();} return count; }else{ return uart1.receive(buf, buf_size); } } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(blocking){ int count(0); while(count < buf_size){uart1.putc(buf[count++]);} return count; }else{ SEM_pendBinary(&sem_tx, SYS_FOREVER); unsigned int res(uart1.transmit(buf, buf_size)); SEM_postBinary(&sem_tx); return res; } } void after_setup(){ SEM_new(&sem_tx, 1); blocking = false; } UBLOX_IO() : Kernel::SystemIO(), blocking(true) {} } ublox_sys_io; static Kernel::IO ublox_io(&ublox_sys_io); static Ublox ubx(ublox_io); static struct GS_LINK_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { return uart2.receive(buf, buf_size); } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { return uart2.transmit(buf, buf_size); } GS_LINK_IO() : Kernel::SystemIO() {} } gs_link_sys_io; static Kernel::IO gs_link_io(&gs_link_sys_io); struct FLASHROM_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { static SPIROM spirom; static bool is_spi0_connecting_flash; Uint32 offset; static void spi0_2_flash(){ if(is_spi0_connecting_flash){return;} SEM_pendBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, SYS_FOREVER); cpld_general_reg[0] &= ~0x04; // spi0 <=> SST25VF040B spi0.set_format(0); SEM_postBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd); is_spi0_connecting_flash = true; } unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { SEM_pendBinary(&sem_spi0, SYS_FOREVER); spi0_2_flash(); spirom.read(offset, buf, buf_size); SEM_postBinary(&sem_spi0); return buf_size; } FLASHROM_IO(const void *params) : Kernel::SystemIO(), offset(*(Uint32 *)params) {} }; SPIROM FLASHROM_IO::spirom(spi0); bool FLASHROM_IO::is_spi0_connecting_flash; struct ADC_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { static ADS1248 adc; Uint8 address; static void spi0_2_adc(){ if(!FLASHROM_IO::is_spi0_connecting_flash){return;} SEM_pendBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, SYS_FOREVER); cpld_general_reg[0] |= 0x04; // spi0 <=> ADS1248 spi0.set_format(1); SEM_postBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd); FLASHROM_IO::is_spi0_connecting_flash = false; } unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { SEM_pendBinary(&sem_spi0, SYS_FOREVER); spi0_2_adc(); adc.read_register(address, (Uint8 *)buf, buf_size); SEM_postBinary(&sem_spi0); return buf_size; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { SEM_pendBinary(&sem_spi0, SYS_FOREVER); spi0_2_adc(); adc.write_register(address, (const Uint8 *)buf, buf_size); SEM_postBinary(&sem_spi0); return buf_size; } ADC_IO(const void *params) : Kernel::SystemIO(), address(*(Uint8 *)params) {} }; ADS1248 ADC_IO::adc(spi0); struct FAT_FILE_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { protected: typedef std::vector io_pool_t; static io_pool_t io_pool; FIL f; bool available; int autosync; char *fname; void open_seek(const char *fname) { available = (f_open(&f, (const char *)fname, (FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_READ | FA_WRITE)) == FR_OK); if(available){ // 追加書き込みにするため、シークする f_lseek(&f, f.fsize); } } FAT_FILE_IO(const void *params) : Kernel::SystemIO(), available(false), autosync(12), // (1 << 12) = 4KBごとに自動fsync fname(NULL) { const char *path((const char *)params); char fname_new[0x100]; // Check special file extension ".***", which will be replaced to an unique number char *ext(std::strrchr(path, '.')); if(ext && (std::strcmp(ext, ".***") == 0)){ DIR dir; FILINFO info; char dirname[0x100] = "/"; const char *basename; if((basename = std::strrchr(path, '/')) || (basename = std::strchr(path, ':'))){ basename += 1; int dirname_length(basename - path); std::memcpy(dirname, path, dirname_length); dirname[dirname_length] = '\0'; }else{ basename = path; } int max_suffix(0); if(f_opendir(&dir, dirname) != FR_OK){return;} while(true){ if((f_readdir(&dir, &info) != FR_OK) || (info.fname[0] == 0)){break;} // read an entry, then check complete reading. if((info.fattrib & AM_DIR) || (info.fname[0] == '.')){continue;} // skip directory and dot entries const char *target_fname( #if _USE_LFN (*info.lfname ? info.lfname : info.fname) #else info.fname #endif ); if(std::strlen(target_fname) != (ext - basename + 4)){continue;} bool basename_match(true); for(int i(0); i < (ext - basename + 1); ++i){ // compare including dot without case sensitive if(std::toupper(target_fname[i]) != std::toupper(basename[i])){ basename_match = false; break; } } if(!basename_match){continue;} int suffix; if((std::sscanf(&target_fname[ext - basename + 1], "%d", &suffix) >= 1) && (max_suffix <= suffix)){ max_suffix = suffix + 1; } } #if _FATFS > 6502 f_closedir(&dir); #endif std::memcpy(fname_new, path, ext - path); std::sprintf(&fname_new[ext - path], ".%03d", max_suffix % 1000); path = fname_new; } open_seek(path); io_pool.push_back(this); // regist to pool { // ファイル名のコピー int fname_buf_length(std::strlen(path) + 1); fname = new char [fname_buf_length]; std::memcpy(fname, path, fname_buf_length); } } struct autolock_t { autolock_t(){SEM_pendBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, SYS_FOREVER);} ~autolock_t(){SEM_postBinary(&sem_emifa_mmcsd);} }; public: unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(!available){return 0;} UINT read; autolock_t autolock; if(f_read(&f, buf, buf_size, &read) == FR_OK){ kernel_state |= kernel_state_fs_active; } return read; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(!available){return 0;} UINT written; autolock_t autolock; DWORD previous_size(f.fsize); if(f_write(&f, buf, buf_size, &written) == FR_OK){ kernel_state |= kernel_state_fs_active; if((autosync >= 0) && (previous_size >> autosync) < (f.fsize >> autosync)){ f_sync(&f); } } return written; } bool ioctl(const Kernel::ioctl_keys &key, const void *param){ switch(key){ case Kernel::IOCTL_SYNC: { autolock_t autolock; if(f_sync(&f) != FR_OK){break;} return true; } case Kernel::IOCTL_SEEK: { autolock_t autolock; if(f_lseek(&f, *static_cast(param)) != FR_OK){break;} return true; } case Kernel::IOCTL_RENAME: { const char *fname_new((const char *)param); if(std::strcmp(fname, fname_new) == 0){return true;} autolock_t autolock; if(f_close(&f) != FR_OK){break;} if(f_rename(fname, fname_new) != FR_OK){break;} open_seek(fname_new); int fname_buf_length(std::strlen(fname_new) + 1); delete [] fname; fname = new char [fname_buf_length]; std::memcpy(fname, fname_new, fname_buf_length); return true; } case Kernel::IOCTL_AUTOSYNC: autosync = *static_cast(param); return true; } return false; } ~FAT_FILE_IO(){ autolock_t autolock; std::remove(io_pool.begin(), io_pool.end(), this); // remove from pool f_close(&f); delete [] fname; } static FAT_FILE_IO *get_io(const void *params){ autolock_t autolock; // Multiple open to same file for(io_pool_t::const_iterator it(io_pool.begin()); it != io_pool.end(); it++){ if(std::strcmp((const char *)params, (*it)->fname) == 0){ return *it; } } return new FAT_FILE_IO(params); } }; FAT_FILE_IO::io_pool_t FAT_FILE_IO::io_pool; static struct USB_UART_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(USE_FTDI_MIMIC){ return usb0_otg_impl.ft232.receive(buf, buf_size); }else{ return usb0_otg_impl.cdc.receive(buf, buf_size); } } unsigned int transmit_internal(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size){ if(USE_FTDI_MIMIC){ return usb0_otg_impl.ft232.transmit(buf, buf_size); }else{ return usb0_otg_impl.cdc.transmit(buf, buf_size); } } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { return transmit_internal(buf, buf_size); } } usb_uart_sys_io; static Kernel::IO usb_uart_io(&usb_uart_sys_io); static struct LED_IO : public Kernel::SystemIO { unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(buf_size < 1){return 0;} buf[0] = led.led(); return 1; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(buf_size < 1){return 0;} led.led(buf[0]); return 1; } } led_sys_io; static Kernel::IO led_io(&led_sys_io); static Kernel::SystemIO null_sys_io; static Kernel::IO null_io(&null_sys_io); Kernel::IO::IO() : delegatee(&null_sys_io) {(delegatee->ref_count)++;} Kernel::IO Kernel::open(const special_devices &id, const void *params){ switch(id){ case SYS_MAPPED: return IO(new SYS_MAPPED_IO(params)); case UBLOX: return ublox_io; case GS_LINK: return gs_link_io; case FLASHROM: return IO(new FLASHROM_IO(params)); case ADC: return IO(new ADC_IO(params)); case FAT_FILE: { if(kernel_config.user_file_is_null){ return null_io; }else{ return Kernel::IO(FAT_FILE_IO::get_io(params)); } } case USB_UART: { return ((kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode == KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_NOP) ? usb_uart_io : null_io); } case OBCLED: return led_io; } return null_io; } MBX_Handle Kernel::mbx(const mbx_devices &id) const { return mbx_handles[id]; } struct AISFeeder { FIL &_f; unsigned int count; Uint8 word[sizeof(Uint32)]; AISFeeder(FIL &f) : _f(f), count(0) {} unsigned int operator()(Uint8 *buf, const unsigned int &size){ unsigned int res(0), word_index(count % sizeof(word)); while(res < size){ if(word_index == 0){ unsigned int new_read; f_read(&_f, word, sizeof(word), &new_read); if(new_read < sizeof(word)){break;} // Little Endian => Big Endian /*Uint8 tmp; tmp = word[0]; word[0] = word[3]; word[3] = tmp; tmp = word[1]; word[1] = word[2]; word[2] = tmp;*/ } buf[res++] = word[word_index++]; count++; if(word_index == sizeof(word)){ word_index = 0; } } led.led(count >> 12); return res; } }; /* * ina111 configuration (AD7689) * * 0xB1, 0x44 = 1 011 000 1 010 00 1 (PAD:00), temperature * 1 overwrite * 011 Temp * 000 IN0 * 1 full B/W * 010 ext. ref. temp enable * 00 disable seq * 1 do not read back */ static const Uint8 ina111_spi_prefix[] = {0xFC, 0xFD}; static const Uint8 ina111_spi_sequence[][2] = { {0xF5, 0x44}, {0xF7, 0x44}, {0xF9, 0x44}, // ch.2, ch.3, ch.4, {0xFB, 0x44}, {0xFD, 0x44}, {0xFF, 0x44}, // ch.5, ch.6, ch.7, {0xB1, 0x44}, {0xF1, 0x44}, {0xF3, 0x44},}; // temp, ch.0, ch.1, static MAG3110 mag3110(i2c1); static HMC58X3 hmc58x3(i2c1); static I2C_MAG_SENSOR *mag_sensor(NULL); static MS5611 ms5611(i2c1); static bool use_ms5611(false); static SeeedOLED oled(i2c1); static bool use_oled(false); // MUX0: 0b00 nnn 000 (current.src.off, nnn, mux.sn=ch0) static const Uint8 adc_mux0_table[] = { 0x02 << 3, 0x07 << 3, 0x06 << 3, 0x04 << 3, 0x05 << 3, 0x03 << 3, 0x01 << 3}; void uart_reconfig( const Uint32 &baudrate, const Uint8 &stopbit, const Uint8 &parity, const Uint8 &databit){ switch(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode){ case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GPS: uart1.baudrate(baudrate); uart1.bit_config((UART::stopbit_t)stopbit, (UART::parity_t)parity, (UART::databit_t)databit); break; case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GS_LINK: uart2.baudrate(baudrate); uart2.bit_config((UART::stopbit_t)stopbit, (UART::parity_t)parity, (UART::databit_t)databit); break; } } void usb_uart_status_changed( const Uint16 &status, const Uint16 &rts_mask, const Uint16 &dtr_mask){ LOG_printf(&trace, "%s", (status & rts_mask) ? "RTS on" : "RTS off"); LOG_printf(&trace, "%s", (status & dtr_mask) ? "DTR on" : "DTR off"); switch(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode){ case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_SHELL: // TODO const char *buf((status & dtr_mask) ? "\n" : "\x03"); //shell.transmit(buf, std::strlen(buf)); break; } } static struct BridgeLoopback_IO : public MinimalIO { SEM_Obj sem_ownership, sem_copied; unsigned int buf_remain; const char *buf_ready; BridgeLoopback_IO() : buf_remain(0), buf_ready(NULL) { SEM_new(&sem_ownership, 0); SEM_postBinary(&sem_ownership); SEM_new(&sem_copied, 0); } unsigned int receive(char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { unsigned int res(buf_size); if(res > buf_remain){res = buf_remain;} if(res > 0){ std::memcpy(buf, buf_ready, res); buf_ready += res; if((buf_remain -= res) == 0){ SEM_postBinary(&sem_copied); } } return res; } unsigned int transmit(const char *buf, const unsigned int &buf_size) { if(buf_size > 0){ SEM_pendBinary(&sem_ownership, SYS_FOREVER); buf_ready = buf; buf_remain = buf_size; SEM_pendBinary(&sem_copied, SYS_FOREVER); SEM_postBinary(&sem_ownership); } return buf_size; } } bridge_loopback_io; static MinimalIO *usb_bridge_target(NULL); void Kernel::initialize() { if(initialized){return;} // Mail box { mbx_handles[MBX_ADC] = MBX_create(sizeof(msg_adc_t), 8, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_SERVO_WRITE] = MBX_create(sizeof(msg_servo_write_t), 8, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_SERVO_READ] = MBX_create(sizeof(msg_servo_read_t), 8, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_ADS] = MBX_create(sizeof(msg_ads_t), 4, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_MAG] = MBX_create(sizeof(msg_mag_t), 4, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_TU_INFO] = MBX_create(sizeof(TimeUpdateInfo), 16, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_MU_INFO] = MBX_create(sizeof(MeasurementUpdateInfo), 4, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_MAG_INFO] = MBX_create(sizeof(MagInfo), 8, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_NAV_INFO] = MBX_create(sizeof(NAVInfo), 8, NULL); mbx_handles[MBX_GC_INFO] = MBX_create(sizeof(GCInfo), 4, NULL); // initial drv values msg_servo_write_t servo_write; servo_write.time_ms = 0; for(int i(0); i < sizeof(servo_write.ch) / sizeof(servo_write.ch[0]); i++){ servo_write.ch[i] = 0; //1500; // free(0) or neutral(1500) } MBX_post(mbx_handles[MBX_SERVO_WRITE], &servo_write, 0); } SEM_new(&sem_emifa_mmcsd, 1); SEM_new(&sem_spi0, 1); SEM_new(&sem_periodic, 0); SEM_new(&sem_periodic_slow, 0); SEM_new(&sem_1pps, 0); led.init(); LOG_printf(&trace, "LED ready."); // FAT f_mount(0, &fatfs); LOG_printf(&trace, "FAT on MMCSD ready."); spi0.init(); #ifdef GBL_ Uint32 core_freq_KHz(GBL_getFrequency()); #else Uint32 core_freq_KHz(300000); // 300MHz #endif Uint32 divider_minus_one; if(core_freq_KHz > 400000){ spi0.set_prescale(1, 90); // For ADS1248 (max: CLK_period under 520us => 2.51MHz <= 456 / 2 / (90 + 1)) spi0.set_prescale(2, 45); // For CPLD (max: 4.96MHz <= 456 / 2 / (45 + 1)) }else if(core_freq_KHz > 300000){ spi0.set_prescale(1, 74); // For ADS1248 (max: CLK_period under 520us => 2.5MHz <= 375 / 2 / (74 + 1)) spi0.set_prescale(2, 37); // For CPLD (max: 4.93MHz <= 375 / 2 / (37 + 1)) }else{ spi0.set_prescale(1, 59); // For ADS1248 (max: CLK_period under 520us => 2.5MHz <= 300 / 2 / (59 + 1)) spi0.set_prescale(2, 29); // For CPLD (max: 5MHz <= 300 / 2 / (29 + 1)) } LOG_printf(&trace, "SPI0 ready."); // SST25VF040B setup { SPIROM &spirom(FLASHROM_IO::spirom); cpld_general_reg[0] &= ~0x04; // spi0 <=> SST25VF040B FLASHROM_IO::is_spi0_connecting_flash = true; // JEDEC Read-ID Uint32 jedec_id(spirom.jedec_id()); wait(1); // test read for(int i(0); i < 0x100; i++){ Uint8 buf[0x10]; spirom.read(i * sizeof(buf), buf, sizeof(buf)); wait(1); } // boot ROM renewal while(true){ FIL f; const char rom_new_fname[] = "rom_new.bin"; const char rom_last_fname[] = "rom_last.bin"; if(f_open(&f, rom_new_fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK){break;} AISFeeder feeder(f); spirom.chip_flush(feeder); f_close(&f); f_unlink(rom_last_fname); f_rename(rom_new_fname, rom_last_fname); wait(10000); cpld_general_reg[0] |= 0x80; // reboot } } // MAXII UFM setup { MAX2UFM max2ufm(spi0); spi0.format_register(3) = ( (0x3F << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_WDELAY_SHIFT) // WDELAY | (0xFF << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_PRESCALE_SHIFT) | (8 << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_CHARLEN_SHIFT) // charelen = 8bits //| CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_POLARITY_MASK // polarity inactive = high | CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_PHASE_MASK // phase ); spi0.set_format(3); cpld_general_reg[0] |= 0x02; // spi0 <=> MAX2UFM static const Uint32 magic(0x5AA59669u); Uint8 buf[MAX2UFM::max_bytes]; // UFM flush test if(false){ Uint8 *dst(buf); std::memcpy(dst, &magic, sizeof(magic)); // 1 * sizeof(Uint32) dst += sizeof(magic); std::memcpy(dst, &calibrator.accel, sizeof(calibrator.accel)); // 18 * sizeof(double) dst += sizeof(calibrator.accel); std::memcpy(dst, &calibrator.omega, sizeof(calibrator.omega)); // 18 * sizeof(double) max2ufm.chip_flush(buf, sizeof(buf)); //max2ufm.chip_erace(); } // UFM renewal while(true){ FIL f; const char cfg_new_fname[] = "cfg_new.bin"; const char cfg_last_fname[] = "cfg_last.bin"; if(f_open(&f, cfg_new_fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK){break;} if(f.fsize){ std::memcpy(buf, &magic, sizeof(magic)); // 1 * sizeof(Uint32) unsigned int cfg_size; f_read(&f, buf + sizeof(magic), sizeof(buf) - sizeof(magic), &cfg_size); max2ufm.chip_flush(buf, cfg_size + sizeof(magic)); }else{ max2ufm.chip_erace(); } f_close(&f); f_unlink(cfg_last_fname); f_rename(cfg_new_fname, cfg_last_fname); } // config read max2ufm.read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)); Uint8 *src(buf); Uint32 magic_buf; std::memcpy(&magic_buf, src, sizeof(magic_buf)); // 1 * sizeof(Uint32) if(magic == magic_buf){ src += sizeof(magic_buf); std::memcpy(&calibrator.accel, src, sizeof(calibrator.accel)); // 18 * sizeof(double) src += sizeof(calibrator.accel); std::memcpy(&calibrator.omega, src, sizeof(calibrator.omega)); // 18 * sizeof(double) } cpld_general_reg[0] &= ~0x02; // spi0 <=> SST25VF040B spi0.set_format(0); } // Kernel config via file { FIL f; const char cfg_fname[] = "kernel.cfg"; if(f_open(&f, cfg_fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) == FR_OK){ kernel_config.read_config(f); f_close(&f); } } // Servo OUT setup { cpld_general_reg[2] = (cpld_general_reg[2] & 0xF8) | (kernel_config.servo_out_force_cic ? 0x04 : 0x00) | kernel_config.servo_out_raito; //0x04 => force cic mode //0x00 => 50Hz; 0x01=> 100Hz; 0x02 => 200Hz; 0x03 => 400Hz } // Shell extension via file shell.initialize(); do{ FIL f_in, f_out; unsigned int new_read, new_write; char buf[128]; const char f_in_fname[] = "extend.rb", f_out_fname[] = "extend.out"; if(f_open(&f_in, f_in_fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK){break;} if(f_open(&f_out, f_out_fname, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE) != FR_OK){break;} do{ if(f_read(&f_in, buf, sizeof(buf), &new_read) != FR_OK){ break; } if(new_read == 0){ shell.transmit("\n", 1); }else{ shell.transmit(buf, new_read); } do{ f_write(&f_out, buf, shell.receive(buf, sizeof(buf)), &new_write); }while(new_write > 0); }while(new_read > 0); f_close(&f_in); f_close(&f_out); }while(false); // ADS1248 setup { ADS1248 &ads1248(ADC_IO::adc); spi0.set_format(1); Uint8 buf[8]; cpld_general_reg[0] |= 0x04; // spi0 <=> CPLD, ADS1248 FLASHROM_IO::is_spi0_connecting_flash = false; cpld_general_reg[0] = (cpld_general_reg[0] & ~0x18) | 0x10; // ADS1248 start to high wait(20000); // TODO: wait for more than 16ms? // reset ads1248.reset(); ads1248.stopload(); wait(1000); // read reg(IDAC0:0x0A) ads1248.read_register(0x0A, buf, 1); // MUX1: 0b0 01 10 000 (int.osc, int.ref, onbrd.ref, nor.op) buf[0] = 0x30; ads1248.write_register(0x02, buf, 1); ads1248.read_register(0x02, buf, 1); // SYS0: 0b0 000 1001 (PGA=1, 2000SPS) buf[0] = 0x09; ads1248.write_register(0x03, buf, 1); ads1248.read_register(0x03, buf, 1); ads1248.calibrate(); wait(1000); // raw read reg test { Uint8 read_regs[] = {0xFF, 0x20, 0x0E, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}; spi0.write_read(read_regs, sizeof(read_regs)); wait(1); } // Test Read msg_adc_t msg_adc; for(int i((sizeof(adc_mux0_table) / sizeof(adc_mux0_table[0])) - 1); i >= 0; i--){ ads1248.write_register(0x00, &(adc_mux0_table[i]), 1); wait(1000); msg_adc.ch[i] = ads1248.read_result(); } wait(1); } // CPLD test { spi0.set_format(2); Uint16 buf[8]; // servo obs read static const Uint8 servo_read_prefix[] = {0x00}; spi0.write((void *)servo_read_prefix, sizeof(servo_read_prefix), true); spi0.write_read((void *)buf, sizeof(buf)); // servo drv write static const Uint8 servo_write_prefix[] = {0x90}; spi0.write((void *)servo_write_prefix, sizeof(servo_write_prefix), true); spi0.write_read((void *)buf, sizeof(buf)); wait(1); } // i2c1 and related devices (HMC5843/5883, ...) if(USE_I2C1){ i2c1.init(); LOG_printf(&trace, "I2C1 ready."); for(unsigned char i(0); i < 0x7F; ++i){ if(!i2c1.has_device(i)){continue;} LOG_printf(&trace, "I2C1 device found, address => 0x%02x.", i); } if(i2c1.has_device(SeeedOLED::i2c_address)){ oled.init(wait, 5000); oled.clearDisplay(); // Clear the screen and set start position to top left corner oled.setNormalDisplay(); // Set display to normal mode (i.e non-inverse mode) oled.setPageMode(); // Set addressing mode to Page Mode use_oled = true; } if(i2c1.has_device(MS5611::i2c_address)){ // MS5611 Uint16 buf_native[8], buf_gpio[8]; i2c1.via_gpio(false); ms5611.get_prom(buf_native); i2c1.via_gpio(true); ms5611.get_prom(buf_gpio); if(std::memcmp(buf_native, buf_gpio, sizeof(buf_native)) == 0){ LOG_printf(&trace, "MS5611 found"); for(int i(0); i < sizeof(buf_native) / sizeof(buf_native[0]); ++i){ LOG_printf(&trace, "MS5611 PROM(%d) => %d.", i, buf_native[i]); } ms5611.init(); use_ms5611 = true; } } if(i2c1.has_device(HMC58X3::i2c_address)){ // HMC58X3 char buf_native[3], buf_gpio[3]; i2c1.via_gpio(false); hmc58x3.get_id(buf_native); i2c1.via_gpio(true); hmc58x3.get_id(buf_gpio); if(std::memcmp(buf_native, buf_gpio, sizeof(buf_native)) == 0){ char buf[4] = {0}; std::memcpy(buf, buf_native, sizeof(buf_native)); LOG_printf(&trace, "HMC58X3 found, device_id is %s.", buf); hmc58x3.init(); mag_sensor = &hmc58x3; } } if(i2c1.has_device(MAG3110::i2c_address)){ // MAG3110 char buf_native[1], buf_gpio[1]; i2c1.via_gpio(false); mag3110.get_id(buf_native); i2c1.via_gpio(true); mag3110.get_id(buf_gpio); if(buf_native[0] == buf_gpio[0]){ LOG_printf(&trace, "MAG3110 found, device_id is 0x%x.", (unsigned char)buf_native[0]); mag3110.init(); mag_sensor = &mag3110; } } i2c1.via_gpio(false); unsigned int i2c1_clock(i2c1.set_clock(400000)); // set clock to 400KHz // Mag sensor test read if(mag_sensor){ Int16 values[3]; for(int i(0); i < 0x10; i++){ mag_sensor->xyz(values); LOG_printf(&trace, "Magnetic sensor test read. %d, %d", values[0], values[1]); // Number of LOG_printf args must be less than 3. wait(1000); } } } // ublox setup do{ uart1.baudrate(kernel_config.uart1_baudrate); uart1.init(); uart1.bit_config(kernel_config.uart1_bit); LOG_printf(&trace, "UART1 ready."); if(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode == KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GPS){ ublox_io = null_io; break; } ubx.set_ubx_cfg_prt(115200); // baudrate change uart1.baudrate(115200); wait(10000); ubx.set_ubx_cfg_rate(200); // 1s / 200ms = 5Hz ubx.set_ubx_cfg_tp(); ubx.set_ubx_cfg_sbas(3); ubx.set_ubx_cfg_nav5(); // dynamic_mode => portable ubx.set_ubx_cfg_rxm(); // max performance mode ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x02, 1); // NAV-POSLLH // 28 + 8 = 36 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x03, 5); // NAV-STATUS // 16 + 8 = 24 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x04, 5); // NAV-DOP // 18 + 8 = 26 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x06, 1); // NAV-SOL // 52 + 8 = 60 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x12, 1); // NAV-VELNED // 36 + 8 = 44 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x20, 10); // NAV-TIMEGPS // 16 + 8 = 24 bytes ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x01, 0x30, 10); // NAV-SVINFO // (8 + 12 * x) + 8 = 112 bytes (@8) ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x02, 0x10, 1); // RXM-RAW // (8 + 24 * x) + 8 = 208 bytes (@8) ubx.set_ubx_cfg_msg(0x02, 0x11, 1); // RXM-SFRB // 42 + 8 = 50 bytes // additional configuration do{ FIL f; unsigned int new_read; char buf[128]; if(f_open(&f, "gps.cfg", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK){break;} do{ if(f_read(&f, buf, sizeof(buf), &new_read) != FR_OK){break;} ublox_io.transmit(buf, new_read); }while(new_read > 0); f_close(&f); }while(false); ublox_sys_io.after_setup(); LOG_printf(&trace, "GPS ready."); }while(false); wait(1000); // GPIO5_10,5_11 { CSL_GpioRegsOvly reg((CSL_GpioRegsOvly)CSL_GPIO_0_REGS); // set dir to input; @see 2.7.1 sprufl8b (GPIO) reg->BANK[GP5].DIR |= (GP5P10 | GP5P11); // enable interrupt of bank 5 @see 2.10.2 sprufl8b (GPIO) reg->BINTEN |= CSL_GPIO_BINTEN_EN5_MASK; // interrupt setting for detection of falling edge: @see 2.10.3 sprufl8b (GPIO) reg->BANK[GP5].CLR_RIS_TRIG |= GP5P10; reg->BANK[GP5].SET_FAL_TRIG |= GP5P10; } // GS-Link (XBee etc.) setup do{ uart2.baudrate(kernel_config.uart2_baudrate); uart2.init(); uart2.bit_config(kernel_config.uart2_bit); LOG_printf(&trace, "UART2 ready."); if(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode == KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GS_LINK){ gs_link_io = null_io; break; } // additional initialize FIL f; const char cfg_fname[] = "gslink.cfg"; if(f_open(&f, cfg_fname, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ) != FR_OK){break;} Uint32 remain_bytes(f.fsize), read_byte; Uint8 buf[32]; while(remain_bytes){ f_read(&f, buf, sizeof(buf), &read_byte); if(read_byte == 0){break;} remain_bytes -= read_byte; for(int i(0); i < read_byte; i++){uart2.putc(buf[i]);} // transmit in blocking mode } f_close(&f); LOG_printf(&trace, "GS-Link ready."); }while(false); // ADS test { // SPI0 format3 for ADS spi0.format_register(3) = ( CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_POLARITY_MASK // polarity inactive = high | (0x3F << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_WDELAY_SHIFT) // WDELAY | (149 << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_PRESCALE_SHIFT) // prescale 150MHz / (149+1) = 1MHz | (8 << CSL_SPI_SPIFMT_CHARLEN_SHIFT) // charelen = 8bits ); spi0.set_format(3); Uint8 buf[12]; // read for(int i(0); i < 0x10; i++){ buf[0] = 0xFE; buf[1] = 0xA5; spi0.write_read((void *)buf, sizeof(buf)); wait(1); } } #if 0 { // CPLD spi slave test spi0.set_format(2); Uint8 buf[4]; for(int i(0); i < 0x100; i++){ buf[0] = 0xFC; buf[1] = i; buf[2] = buf[3] = 0; spi0.write_read((void *)buf, sizeof(buf)); if((buf[0] != 0xAA) || (buf[1] != 0xFF) || (buf[2] != 0xFF) || (buf[3] != 0xFF)){ wait(1); } } } #endif if(USE_INA111){ // ina111 test // SPI0 format2 for ina111 spi0.set_format(2); Uint8 buf[3]; // Read for(int i(0); i < sizeof(ina111_spi_prefix) / sizeof(ina111_spi_prefix[0]); i++){ for(int j(0); j < sizeof(ina111_spi_sequence) / sizeof(ina111_spi_sequence[0]); j++){ buf[0] = ina111_spi_prefix[i]; std::memcpy(&buf[1], ina111_spi_sequence[j], sizeof(buf) - 1); spi0.write_read((void *)buf, sizeof(buf)); wait(1); } } } usb0_otg_impl.init(); LOG_printf(&trace, "USB ready."); if(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode != KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_NOP){ if(USE_FTDI_MIMIC){ usb0_otg_impl.ft232.config_changed_callback = uart_reconfig; usb0_otg_impl.ft232.line_status_changed_callback = usb_uart_status_changed; }else{ usb0_otg_impl.cdc.config_changed_callback = uart_reconfig; usb0_otg_impl.cdc.line_status_changed_callback = usb_uart_status_changed; } } mmcsd.lock_pins(); // after this, EMIFA can not work completely. // enable ECM interrupt C64_enableIER(C64_EINT7); C64_enableIER(C64_EINT8); C64_enableIER(C64_EINT9); C64_enableIER(C64_EINT10); // DMA CSL_Edma3tcRegsOvly dmaTC0Regs((CSL_Edma3tcRegsOvly)CSL_EDMA3TC_0_REGS); CSL_Edma3tcRegsOvly dmaTC1Regs((CSL_Edma3tcRegsOvly)CSL_EDMA3TC_1_REGS); dmaTC0Regs->ERREN |= 0xF; dmaTC1Regs->ERREN |= 0xF; uart1.assign_dma_rx(); uart1.assign_dma_tx(); uart2.assign_dma_rx(); uart2.assign_dma_tx(); mmcsd.assign_dma(); if(USE_I2C1){i2c1.assign_dma();} // USB bridge setup switch(kernel_config.usb_bridge_mode){ case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_NOP: break; case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GPS: usb_bridge_target = &uart1; uart1.release_dma_rx(); break; case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_GS_LINK: usb_bridge_target = &uart2; uart2.release_dma_rx(); break; case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_SHELL: usb_bridge_target = &shell; break; case KernelConfig::USB_BRIDGE_LOOPBACK: usb_bridge_target = &bridge_loopback_io; break; } led.led(0); initialized = true; } static Kernel::gps_time_t notified_latest_gps_time = {0, 0}; void Kernel::notify_gps_time(const gps_time_t &gps_time) { SWI_disable(); // disable interrupt from kernel_periodic(); notified_latest_gps_time = gps_time; SWI_enable(); } void Kernel::notify_gps_time(const Uint32 &wn, const Uint32 &itow_ms) { SWI_disable(); // disable interrupt from kernel_periodic(); notified_latest_gps_time.wn = wn; notified_latest_gps_time.itow_ms = itow_ms; SWI_enable(); } static Kernel::gps_time_t gps_time = {0, 0xFFFFFFFFu}; static Kernel::msg_adc_t msg_adc; static Kernel::msg_servo_write_t msg_servo_write; static Kernel::msg_servo_read_t msg_servo_read; static Kernel::msg_ads_t msg_ads; static Kernel::msg_mag_t msg_mag; Kernel::gps_time_t Kernel::gps_time() const { return ::gps_time; } Uint32 Kernel::wn() const { return ::gps_time.wn; } Uint32 Kernel::itow_ms() const { return ::gps_time.itow_ms; } static const int servo_obs_channels(sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_in) / sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_in[0])); static const int servo_drv_channels(sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_out) / sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_out[0])); extern "C" { // { // Time related code extern _CODE_ACCESS std::time_t HOSTtime(); ///< @see http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Time_and_clock_RTS_Functions _CODE_ACCESS std::time_t std::time(std::time_t *timer){ std::time_t res(0); //res = (std::time_t)HOSTtime(); Kernel::gps_time_t notified(::notified_latest_gps_time), current(::gps_time); if(notified.wn > 0){ // valid res = (7u * 24 * 60 * 60) * current.wn + (current.itow_ms / 1000) - latest_processed_info.gps.leap_seconds_gps_minus_utc + 2524932000u // Jan 01, 1900, 00:00:00 UTC-6(CST) + (60u * 60 * 6); // CST => UTC; } if(timer){*timer = res;} return(res); } ///< FatFs time function Uint32 get_fattime(){ Uint32 res(0); std::time_t timer; std::time(&timer); if(timer > 0){ std::tm *t(std::localtime(&timer)); // bit31:25 => year - 1980 res |= t->tm_year + 1900 - 1980; res <<= 4; // bit24:21 => month[1..12] res |= t->tm_mon + 1; res <<= 5; // bit20:16 => day[1..31] res |= t->tm_mday; res <<= 5; // bit15:11 => hour[0..23] res |= t->tm_hour; res <<= 6; // bit10:5 => minute[0..59] res |= t->tm_min; res <<= 5; // bit4:0 => second / 2 res |= t->tm_sec / 2; } return res; } std::time_t timegm(struct std::tm *tm){ return std::mktime(tm) - 60 * 60 * 6; // cancel UTC-6(CST) } // } // Time related code void usb_bridge_d2h(){ // connect usb to other devices. if(!usb_bridge_target){return;} Kernel::IO file_d2h(null_io); if(kernel_config.usb_bridge_log){ file_d2h = Kernel::get_instance().open(Kernel::FAT_FILE, "brdg_d2h.log"); static const unsigned int file_tx_rx_buffers[] = {0x1000, 0}; file_d2h.ioctl(Kernel::IOCTL_BUFFER, file_tx_rx_buffers); } char buf[0x40]; int received, transmitted; unsigned int d2h_bytes(0); while(true){ if((received = usb_bridge_target->receive(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0){ file_d2h.transmit(buf, received); transmitted = 0; do{ transmitted += usb_uart_io.transmit(&buf[transmitted], received - transmitted); if(transmitted >= received){break;} }while(true); d2h_bytes += transmitted; } TSK_sleep(1); } } void usb_bridge_h2d(){ // connect usb to other devices. if(!usb_bridge_target){return;} Kernel::IO file_h2d(null_io); if(kernel_config.usb_bridge_log){ file_h2d = Kernel::get_instance().open(Kernel::FAT_FILE, "brdg_h2d.log"); static const unsigned int file_tx_rx_buffers[] = {0x1000, 0}; file_h2d.ioctl(Kernel::IOCTL_BUFFER, file_tx_rx_buffers); } char buf[0x40]; int received, transmitted; unsigned int h2d_bytes(0); while(true){ if((received = usb_uart_io.receive(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0){ file_h2d.transmit(buf, received); transmitted = 0; do{ transmitted += usb_bridge_target->transmit(&buf[transmitted], received - transmitted); if(transmitted >= received){break;} }while(true); h2d_bytes += transmitted; } TSK_sleep(1); } } void kernel_polling(){ MBX_Handle mbx_adc(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_ADC)); MBX_Handle mbx_servo_read(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_SERVO_READ)); MBX_Handle mbx_servo_write(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_SERVO_WRITE)); MBX_Handle mbx_ads(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_ADS)); Uint32 polling_invoked(0); while(true){ SEM_pendBinary(&sem_periodic, SYS_FOREVER); // SPI0 if(spi0.assign_dma()){ // ADC(ADS1248) { const int adc_index(polling_invoked % 8); const int adc_index_next((polling_invoked + 1) % 8); ADS1248 &ads1248(ADC_IO::adc); // spi0 <=> ADS1248 spi0.set_format(1); // Read result msg_adc.ch[adc_index] = ads1248.read_result(); if(adc_index == 0){ msg_adc.time_ms = gps_time.itow_ms; }else if(adc_index == 7){ MBX_post(mbx_adc, &msg_adc, 0); } if(adc_index_next == 7){ // MUX1: 0b0 01 10 011 (int.osc, int.ref, onbrd.ref, temp.diode) static const Uint8 buf[] = {0x33}; ads1248.write_register(0x02, buf, sizeof(buf)); }else if(adc_index_next == 0){ // MUX1: 0b0 01 10 000 (int.osc, int.ref, onbrd.ref, normal.op) static const Uint8 buf[] = {adc_mux0_table[0], 0x00, 0x30}; ads1248.write_register(0x00, buf, sizeof(buf)); }else{ ads1248.write_register(0x00, &(adc_mux0_table[adc_index_next]), 1); } //ads1248.sync(); } // Servo obs / drv (CPLD) if((polling_invoked % 0x10) == 0){ // 1K / 16 = 62.5Hz spi0.set_format(2); // servo obs read { static const Uint8 prefix[] = {0x00}; spi0.write((void *)prefix, sizeof(prefix), true); spi0.write_read((void *)msg_servo_read.ch_in, sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_in)); msg_servo_read.time_ms = gps_time.itow_ms; } // Servo drv write preparation MBX_pend(mbx_servo_write, &msg_servo_write, 0); // servo drv read / write { static const Uint8 prefix[] = {0x90}; spi0.write((void *)prefix, sizeof(prefix), true); std::memcpy(msg_servo_read.ch_out, msg_servo_write.ch, sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_out)); spi0.write_read((void *)msg_servo_read.ch_out, sizeof(msg_servo_read.ch_out)); } MBX_post(mbx_servo_read, &msg_servo_read, 0); } // ADS if((!use_ms5611) && ((polling_invoked % 0x10) == 8)){ // 1K / 16 = 62.5Hz spi0.set_format(3); static const Uint8 prefix[] = {0xFE, 0xA5}; spi0.write((void *)prefix, sizeof(prefix), true); spi0.write_read((void *)msg_ads.raw_buf, sizeof(msg_ads.raw_buf)); msg_ads.time_ms = gps_time.itow_ms; MBX_post(mbx_ads, &msg_ads, 0); } if(USE_INA111){ // ina111 spi0.set_format(2); int i(polling_invoked % (sizeof(ina111_spi_prefix) / sizeof(ina111_spi_prefix[0]))); for(int j(0); j < sizeof(ina111_spi_sequence) / sizeof(ina111_spi_sequence[0]); j++){ spi0.write((void *)(&ina111_spi_prefix[i]), sizeof(ina111_spi_prefix[0]), true); spi0.write_read((void *)ina111_spi_sequence[j], sizeof(ina111_spi_sequence[0])); } } } // Slow task if((polling_invoked % 0x50) == 0){ // 12.5Hz SEM_postBinary(&sem_periodic_slow); } polling_invoked++; kernel_state |= kernel_state_polling_active; } } static void oled_refresh(const int &line_num){ char buf[32]; int length(0); switch(line_num){ case 0: { length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tiny Feather %c%02d", (latest_processed_info.gps.fix_type < latest_processed_info.gps.FIX_3D ? ' ' : '*'), latest_processed_info.gps.using_satellites); break; } case 1: { length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " T %4d:%8.1f", gps_time.wn, (float_sylph_t)gps_time.itow_ms / 1000); break; } case 2: { float_sylph_t lat(rad2deg(latest_processed_info.navigation.latitude_rad)); if(lat >= 0){ length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " N %012.9f", lat); }else{ length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " S %012.9f", -lat); } break; } case 3: { float_sylph_t lng(rad2deg(latest_processed_info.navigation.longitude_rad)); if(lng >= 0){ length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " E %013.9f", lng); }else{ length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " W %013.9f", -lng); } break; } case 4: { length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " A %+08.1f", latest_processed_info.navigation.height_meter); break; } case 5: { length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " V %+04.0f%+04.0f%+05.1f", latest_processed_info.navigation.v_north_ms, latest_processed_info.navigation.v_east_ms, latest_processed_info.navigation.v_down_ms); break; } case 6: { float_sylph_t heading(rad2deg(latest_processed_info.navigation.heading_rad)), pitch(rad2deg(latest_processed_info.navigation.pitch_rad)), roll(rad2deg(latest_processed_info.navigation.roll_rad)); if(heading < 0){heading += 360;} length = std::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " H%03.0f P%+03.0f R%+04.0f", heading, pitch, roll); break; } //case 7: break; } oled.setTextXY(line_num, 0); // Set the cursor to Xth Page, Yth Column oled.putString(buf, length); // Print the String } void kernel_polling_slow(){ unsigned int loop_count(0); Uint8 ubx_sv_eph_selector(0); MBX_Handle mbx_mag(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_MAG)); MBX_Handle mbx_ads(kernel.mbx(Kernel::MBX_ADS)); if(use_oled){ oled.setBrightness(0xFF); } while(true){ SEM_pendBinary(&sem_periodic_slow, SYS_FOREVER); // Ublox ephemeris if((loop_count % 0x10) == 0){ // (12.5 / 16) Hz ubx.poll_rxm_eph(++ubx_sv_eph_selector); if(ubx_sv_eph_selector == 32){ ubx.poll_aid_hui(); ubx_sv_eph_selector = 0; } } // Magnetic sensor via I2C1 if(mag_sensor){ msg_mag.time_ms = gps_time.itow_ms; mag_sensor->raw(msg_mag.raw_buf); MBX_post(mbx_mag, &msg_mag, 0); } // Pressure & Temp via I2C1 if(use_ms5611){ msg_ads.time_ms = gps_time.itow_ms; msg_ads.raw_buf[0] = msg_ads.raw_buf[4] = 0; { // read ADC1 (pressure) ms5611.send_command(0x42); // OSR=512 TSK_sleep(2); ms5611.read_adc((Uint8 (&)[3])(msg_ads.raw_buf[1])); } { // read ADC2 (temperature) ms5611.send_command(0x52); // OSR=512 TSK_sleep(2); ms5611.read_adc((Uint8 (&)[3])(msg_ads.raw_buf[5])); } { // raw data => value Int32 pressure, temperature; ms5611.convert( (Uint8 (&)[3])(msg_ads.raw_buf[1]), (Uint8 (&)[3])(msg_ads.raw_buf[5]), pressure, temperature); std::memcpy(&msg_ads.raw_buf[0], &(pressure = be_num_2_num(pressure)), sizeof(Int32)); std::memcpy(&msg_ads.raw_buf[4], &(temperature = be_num_2_num(temperature)), sizeof(Int32)); } MBX_post(mbx_ads, &msg_ads, 0); } if(use_oled){ oled_refresh(loop_count % 8); } loop_count++; } } void kernel_periodic(){ // called from PRD(SWI) if(SEM_pendBinary(&sem_1pps, 0)){ gps_time.wn = notified_latest_gps_time.wn; gps_time.itow_ms = ((notified_latest_gps_time.itow_ms / 1000) + 1) * 1000; }else{ ++gps_time.itow_ms; } if(gps_time.itow_ms >= (60u * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1000)){ // 1 week roll over ++gps_time.wn; gps_time.itow_ms = 0; } // LED (state indicate) { static const Uint16 count_max(2000); static Uint16 count(count_max - 1); static Uint8 state(0); if(++count == count_max){ led.led4(true); state = kernel_state; kernel_state = 0; count = 0; }else{ switch(count % 250){ case 0: if(state & 0x1){led.led4(true);} state >>= 1; break; case 50: led.led4(false); break; } } } // LED (GPS satellites) { static const Uint16 count_max(10000); static Uint16 count(count_max - 1); static Uint8 satellites(0); if(++count == count_max){ satellites = latest_processed_info.gps.using_satellites; count = 0; } switch(count % 250){ case 100: if(satellites){ satellites--; led.led3(true); } break; case 150: led.led3(false); break; } } SEM_postBinary(&sem_periodic); } void edma_isr(){ CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly dmaRegs((CSL_Edma3ccRegsOvly)CSL_EDMA3CC_0_REGS); if(dmaRegs->EMR){ dmaRegs->EMCR = 0xFFFFFFFF; } if(dmaRegs->CCERR){ dmaRegs->CCERRCLR = 0xFFFFFFFF; } Uint32 ipr(dmaRegs->IPR); do{ uart1.dma_callback_rx(ipr); uart1.dma_callback_tx(ipr); uart2.dma_callback_rx(ipr); uart2.dma_callback_tx(ipr); mmcsd.dma_callback(ipr); spi0.dma_callback(ipr); i2c1.dma_callback(ipr); }while(ipr = (dmaRegs->IPR)); // @see sprufl1c 2.9.2 // @see http://e2e.ti.com/support/dsp/tms320c6000_high_performance_dsps/f/112/t/85034.aspx // Example.2 } void edma_cc0_err_isr(){ return; } void edma_tc0_err_isr(){ return; } void edma_tc1_err_isr(){ return; } void gpio5_isr(){ CSL_GpioRegsOvly reg((CSL_GpioRegsOvly)CSL_GPIO_0_REGS); Uint32 flag(reg->BANK[GP5].INTSTAT & 0xFFFF0000); if(flag & GP5P10){ // GPS 1PPS led.toggle1(); SEM_postBinary(&sem_1pps); } reg->BANK[GP5].INTSTAT |= flag; // clear flag } /* Initialize the board APIs */ void TinyFeather_init(){ static const char rom_rev001[] = "d800k001"; // Silicon Revision 1.0(-), 1.1(A) static const char rom_rev003[] = "d800k003"; // Silicon Revision 2.0(B) static const char rom_rev005[] = "d800k005"; // Silicon Revision 2.1(C), 3.0(D) int silicon_revision(0); if(std::memcmp(rom_rev001, (const void *)0x11700008, sizeof(rom_rev001) - 1) == 0){ silicon_revision = 10; }else if(std::memcmp(rom_rev003, (const void *)0x11700008, sizeof(rom_rev003) - 1) == 0){ silicon_revision = 20; }else if(std::memcmp(rom_rev005, (const void *)0x11700008, sizeof(rom_rev005) - 1) == 0){ silicon_revision = 21; } if(silicon_revision > 0){ CSL_SyscfgRegsOvly bootCfg((CSL_SyscfgRegsOvly)(CSL_SYSCFG_0_REGS)); bootCfg->KICK0R = KICK0KEY; // Write Access Key 0 bootCfg->KICK1R = KICK1KEY; // Write Access Key 1 // PINMUX bootCfg->PINMUX0 = 0x11112100; // EMIFB bootCfg->PINMUX1 = 0x11111111; // EMIFB bootCfg->PINMUX2 = 0x01111111; // EMIFB bootCfg->PINMUX3 = 0x00000000; bootCfg->PINMUX4 = 0x00000000; bootCfg->PINMUX5 = 0x11111110; // EMIFB bootCfg->PINMUX6 = 0x11111111; // EMIFB bootCfg->PINMUX7 = 0x11111111; // EMIFB, SPI0 bootCfg->PINMUX8 = 0x28822022; // UART2, GPIO5[11-10], I2C0, I2C1 bootCfg->PINMUX9 = 0x00000002; // UART2 bootCfg->PINMUX10 = 0x00000000; bootCfg->PINMUX11 = 0x11101100; // McASP1, UART1 bootCfg->PINMUX12 = 0x11111110; // McASP1 bootCfg->PINMUX13 = 0x11011111; // EMIFA / McASP1 / (SD) bootCfg->PINMUX14 = 0x00111111; // EMIFA / (SD) bootCfg->PINMUX15 = 0x11000000; // EMIFA / (SD) bootCfg->PINMUX16 = 0x11111111; // EMIFA / (SD) bootCfg->PINMUX17 = 0x00011111; // EMIFA bootCfg->PINMUX18 = 0x00111010; // EMIFA bootCfg->PINMUX19 = 0x00000001; // EMIFA // CHIP CONFIG 2 bootCfg->CFGCHIP2 = 0x0000EB42; // USB0REF_FREQ=2 24MHz, USB0PHY_PLLON=1, USB0PHYPWDN=0, EB42 = 1110 1011 0100 0010 // PSC0 @see Chap.8 and Fig.3.1of spruh91a // every module is enable(3) Uint32 psc0_num_state[][2] = { {0, 3}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {3, 3}, {4, 3}, {5, 3}, {9, 3}, {11, 3}, {12, 3}, {13, 3}}; for(int i(0); i < sizeof(psc0_num_state) / sizeof(psc0_num_state[0]); i++){ CSL_PscRegsOvly reg((CSL_PscRegsOvly)CSL_PSC_0_REGS); while((reg->PTSTAT & 0x1) != 0); Uint32 index(psc0_num_state[i][0]), desired_state(psc0_num_state[i][1] & 0x3); if(((reg->MDSTAT)[index] & 0x3F) == desired_state){continue;} (reg->MDCTL)[index] = ((reg->MDCTL)[index] & 0xFFFFFF00u) | desired_state; reg->PTCMD = 1; while((reg->PTSTAT & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transition to finish while(((reg->MDSTAT)[index] & 0x3F) != desired_state); } // PSC1@see Chap.8 and Fig.3.1of spruh91a // 24(SCR8(BR15)) is enable(3) because of, and 5(EMAC), 7-9(McASP[0-2]), 17(eHRPWM), 20(eCAP), 21(eQEP) are disable(2). Uint32 psc1_num_state[][2] = { {1, 3}, {3, 3}, {5, 2}, {6, 3}, {7, 2}, {8, 2}, {9, 2}, {10, 3}, {11, 3}, {12, 3}, {13, 3}, {17, 2}, {20, 2}, {21, 2}, {24, 3}, {25, 3}, {26, 3}}; for(int i(0); i < sizeof(psc1_num_state) / sizeof(psc1_num_state[0]); i++){ CSL_PscRegsOvly reg((CSL_PscRegsOvly)CSL_PSC_1_REGS); while((reg->PTSTAT & 0x1) != 0); Uint32 index(psc1_num_state[i][0]), desired_state(psc1_num_state[i][1] & 0x3); if(((reg->MDSTAT)[index] & 0x3F) == desired_state){continue;} (reg->MDCTL)[index] = ((reg->MDCTL)[index] & 0xFFFFFF00u) | desired_state; reg->PTCMD = 1; while((reg->PTSTAT & 0x1) != 0); // Wait for power state transition to finish while(((reg->MDSTAT)[index] & 0x3F) != desired_state); } // EMIFA { CSL_EmifaRegsOvly emifaRegs((CSL_EmifaRegsOvly)CSL_EMIFA_0_REGS); emifaRegs->AWCC = 0x300400ff; emifaRegs->CE3CFG = 0x4C5462B8; emifaRegs->NANDFCR &= ~2; } } } }